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Everything posted by avizeke

  1. no, sorry. clearly on my part there is a problem can you mail me at ajsmn_2@hotmail.com insead please, i need to get this crackin soon as
  2. yeah still waiting on a response i emailed directly from the his website and the email given
  3. emailed him, thanks, will wait for a response now
  4. need someone who can intergrate a tcadmin directly into a website, for a GSP, so professional touches to maintain the durability and integrity of the tcadmin matters greatly. this http://tcadminintegration.com/ is a one man band who isnt active at all, i paid then waited 5 days, not 48 hours as stated on website, for them to then say we are having difficulties and refunded the money. whast worth is that they are a branch of websites but its just one guy running it with little time. http://www.websiteintegrations.com/ so unprofessional. so i am looking now for a guy who guy intergrate directly into the website layour with a header and footer inside tcadmin, and with a theme style too. quote would be nice but if you want more information on gsp etc, just message me
  5. aliens vs preditor config anyone ? its showing on hldsupdatetool but no config as of yet from what i can see.
  6. Hello all Does anyone know how to get the direct console read out to show in web console for cod4 and cod5 Currently struggling a little with this. if anyone has a already working config for this that works with direct console read out, i would appreciate it if anyone has this.
  7. i am currently as of this week going to be doing a config for this game, along with RO2 - NS2. as a gsp... unfortunately we have to do it xD
  8. any idea how to get a text read out like a console read out for L4D2 servers. they no longer have a console.log file... that reads directly from the console.
  9. i have et and etqw . i also have a vast list of linux based games.
  10. thats a good script for download. i just bank the files in tcafiles/games and run cronjobs for updating. i have L4D and L4D2 but these will be good for there next udpdate. Now looking at getting mw3 ns2 and ro2
  11. Been a every day user to linux, and a new user to tcadmin, i am learning that the V2 beta is in a progressive state of repair and upgrades. So many features to look forward to yet However, if anyone can assist with a few things would be great. Does anyone know how to have a live feed directly to your website front page for example, of how many servers you haev up in total with users online etc. Pretty much like this http://help.tcadmin.com/Live_Stats but on a larger overall scale. also, has anyone created any new widgets for the V2 linux side, interested to know if there are. does anyone know how to automatically update all servers at for example 6 am in the morning, through schedular. Its just an idea if not.
  12. doesnt matter. sorted them myself.
  13. Does anyone have any templates for games for linux.... currently working on minecraft - battlegrounds 2 - insurgency. if anyone has those great.. please if you can upload i would appreciate that. also looking for America's Army - L4d - Enemy teratorry Quake Wars. if you have these guys. help out
  14. Americas Army Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead2 Enemy Teratory Quake wars Insurgency. does anyone have any of these that they can assist with for linux v2.
  15. sorted. found the file hiding in the depths of template adjustments
  16. Having some major issues understanding how to open tcadmin ftp v2 for allowing executeable files like .so and .exe files. it allows any other files inpart from there which is a problem for people who want to upload there addons and mods etc. can some one properly advise me how best to unlock these fixed restrictions permanently. Can it be done by User Roles or by Game Templates.
  17. its ok i achieved this now. basically you can restrict slots based on user " reseller rule" also choosing ip's etc. thanks guys
  18. Hey guys I am looking for ways in order to giving users the options to choose what game server they want up by simply letting them choose what games they want to install from the list rather than admins doing this for them. How we simply restrict the slots and the amount of servers then from there they would have the freedom and space to choose in the panel. i want to know if there is a way how to give a user for example 3 servers with a max of 50 slots, that when they log in that they can simply choose the games they want within the peramerters i set. I was thinking something like reseller role but the admin limiting or choosing there limitations on how many servers or slots ?
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