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Felipe T

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Everything posted by Felipe T

  1. Anyone here could get the config?
  2. Hi, I need to create a custom script using the object related to "this server" called GameFilesPath. I have tried many ways, but seems that it's not working. I wrote this script for testing: #!/bin/bash echo ${TCAdminFolder} >> /home/tcagame/result.txt echo "test" >> /home/tcagame/result.txt echo ${GameFilesPath} >> /home/tcagame/result.txt exit 0 The result is good for the the 1st and 2nd echo, but the third, as I expected, is not working, it just gave me a white line. Is there anything that is needed to be done that I am missing? Ty!
  3. Up! Still couldn't find... Any idea?
  4. Hello, I'm translating TCAdmin to Brazilian Portuguese, and user's frontend is almost complete. But there are some options that I can't find where: Account information, My Profile, Change Password, Email Notifications Any help? Thanks!
  5. Hello guys, Do you know why does my bandwidth monitor is always 0 bytes/seg? I've just installed Ubuntu 13.10, moving from Windows. There we had to install WinPcap, but I didn't find any requirement for Linux.
  6. Well, running this commandline I could make CSGO start without crashing chmod -R 777 /home/tcagame/MatheusB/524 My question is 777 is safe? How can I set TCAdmin to give the correct CHMOD for this files? Thanks!
  7. There's something weird here... All my costumer's directories are being created under root/root user and group. Should it really be like this? I have changed the user/group for MatheusB (this is a CSGO server), and still not working. drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 28 05:45 LucasL drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Nov 28 09:11 MarcelP drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 28 04:01 MarceloC drwxr-xr-x 3 tcagame tcagame 4096 Nov 28 16:55 MatheusB
  8. Still not working... CSGO is the only game that doesn't starts. Any help? =/
  9. Hey guys, everything is going almost fine here.. Except for the CS:GO, that I cannot run. I always get this: Status: Start (pid 0) So I've tried to run using my root, and got this message: ./srcds_run srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust -bash: ./srcds_run: Permission denied So I gave it chmod 700, and tried again. Now it runs under root user, I can see the server online, but when I try to run with TCAdmin, I still have the same problem with Pid (0) Any help?
  10. Yes, but they have different Game ID So I would have to change it on my costumer's properties, right?
  11. Thanks guys. I'm planning to do exactly this, install a vanilla version of the game server for each costumer, install MetaMod and SourceMod for Linux, than move the configs, plugins and maps. My biggest question is about TCAdmin GamServer Configs. Can I use the same template, just changing the OS from Windows to Linux and the Files Paths for executable? This would be very helpful, since I'd just have to reinstall my GameServers directly from TCAdmin.
  12. Hello guys, next wednesday i'll move my servers from Windows to Linux. I've got some questions about this, so if anyone could help me, I would be thankful. 1) Game config files: do I only have to change the "Operational System" from Windows to Linux, and fix the files paths to the new ones? Or I have to reinstall every gameserver using the linux gameserver configs? 2) Can I just move old files from MetaMod and SourceMod to the new server, than replace with the Linux versions? Or you think this may cause a lot of bugs? 3) Any other tips? Thanks in advance!
  13. Hello guys, "The service can't be reinstalled at this time" This is happening with some frequency when somebody is trying to reinstall a game. Do you know what's going on to help me? Thanks in advance.
  14. Hello, Is anybody else running into a Google Chrome bug? Sometimes TCAdmin looks like this, losing tabs and grouping all pages into only one.
  15. Well... I guess we will have to reinstall each gameserver and reconfig it.
  16. Yes, thinking about this. But there are some other points to consider, like deleting the server from EAC database when it's disabled, reinstalled. Would also be nice to get ip, port and rcon automatically
  17. Hello guys, Have anyone here already tried to make a custom script to integrate TCAdmin to EAC? (http://www.easyanticheat.net). This anti cheat is really popular in Brazil, and would be very useful to be automatic. Basically we have to add the server IP, Port and Rcon to a database (can be a text file or MySQL). It's really simple, but I now anything about programming.
  18. Hello guys, I've been looking my bandwidth usage, and got surprised with what is shown in TCAdmin and Windows. Anyone knows why this such large difference?
  19. What about CPU usage? Is it real that linux's servers uses less CPU than Windows' servers?
  20. Hello, Is it possible? There are many mods that needs new sounds, skins, etc. This would be nice if we could installa mod with TCAdmin and fast download syncs automatically. Thanks in advance =)
  21. Hello guys, I'm running into a very weird problem after the last update on CSGO servers... When I try to start a server with TCAdmin it stops and the status of the server is "Started (pid 0)" When I try to start the server directly from Windows, using the same commandline, it runs perfectly. Do you know what's the issue? Thanks in advance
  22. I was trying this, but like I said, there were too many files from Team Fortress 2 maps, materials, models and sounds. I did this file using this batch, then I used excel to place ; at the end of each file for /r C:\temp %%g in (*) do echo %%~nxg>>list.txt It also made the Fast Download sync very slow... Sometimes it looks like crashed. Does it happens to you? tf2_exclude.txt
  23. Is there anyway to generate the files list without the path? I've tried to use with path, but TCAdmin is still syncing.. I'm having a lot of work to remove each path from the list
  24. Hello, I think it would be great if we could set a password to the Recurring Task for compressing a file. The reason is that I would like to make a daily backup of database, compress it and upload with FTP. This would be really safer.. Thanks in advance =)
  25. How do you insert it on your database? I use SQLite, and when I open it with Notepad I see some weird characters... I'm afraid of saving it and TCAdmin bugs
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