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Felipe T

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Everything posted by Felipe T

  1. It's more then 1MB of text file... Could it make TCAdmin run slower?
  2. Ok... Now, we have another problem. I've generated all files from maps, materials, models and sound (for TF2), but when I insert them, seems not to complete. I think there are too many archives (more then 1mb of txt file to insert there, pretty big don't you think?)
  3. Again, you're the best! The last time I've seen this wiki, it was much more simple.. Thanksss =D
  4. Ok... So I'll have to write a really big list of default game files and set there in "Exclude Files"? Oh god... This will give me a lot of work
  5. Until now, I used to set files to sync as "*.bz2 -r;" But with the new feature, I want to release all files like maps, models, sounds, etc to be synced, so users won't have to upload 2 times the same file (the original and the compressed) But there's a problem here.. Will FastDownload sync the original game files? If it does, this will be a big problem to set every original map, sound, model, etc excluded from syncing.
  6. Hello guys, I don't know about you, but I have a lot of addons avaible to be installed through the panel. Sometimes confuse, like in Counter Strike 1.6, there are a lot of 4fun plugins, and they are shown with other important plugins like AMX. Is it possible to build a categorie manager? This would be very helpful...
  7. Thanks... This gameserver is really difficult to use, huh? I guess the problem with bots will be solved... But what about the other commandlines that don't work (for Classic Competitive, Arms Race and Demolition)? Any idea?
  8. Guys, I have a problem... My servers are filled with bots after the first player enter the game. I have already changed bot_quota to 0 in gamemodes, but they're still joining. Also, the only commandline that works is "Classic Casual" (0) gamemodes.txt
  9. Hey guys, Is there anyway to fix the problem of the original gamemodes.txt that makes the server doesn't work? The issue is that everytime someone update the server, the old gamemodes.txt comes back, and than server stops working again untill I upload the working one.
  10. I couldn't find it Any help?
  11. Why it doesn't delete the files? Is it an issue only with me?
  12. Another issue... When I try to connect to my server, the screen gets like this forever: This happens even when I try to start a server manually, without TCAdmin. I can connect to other servers without issues.
  13. Why does my server set for 12 slots get online with 20?
  14. I have reinstalled TCAdmin, and now all servers are with "Unknown" status.
  15. I tried to run a TF2 server manually, wit TCAdmin closed, and it worked! May it be a problem with TCAdmin? Also, there's a server that was having problems with replay, and now when I ran it manually, is working good.
  16. Hello guys, Today my server crashed, and the datacenter restarted it for me. When it came back, any srcds server ran. I get this message: "Fatal error - Dedicated Server: Unable to initialize steam." (HLDS servers, like CS 1.6, are running) I have tried to install Steam Client, but it didn't work.
  17. Still not working... Is there anywhere else I need to change?
  18. Sorry.. I have changed all this values: "minplayers" "0" "maxplayers" "32" "extraspectators" "0" But my game is still with 18 slots (but set for 16)
  19. Thanks! Now I also solved the problem of 10 slots
  20. I'm setting +maxplayers 16, but it's coming with 18 slots. What's wrong, anybody knows?
  21. Hi, I was just taking a look at my services, and saw that Product Number in WHMCS is different than Game Server's Billing ID in TC Admin. The WHMCS modules (suspension, create..) are working good, but I wonder why does it happens? Is it ok, or should I be worried about future problems? Thanks!
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