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Everything posted by SuperNova
Here is an RCON script that works for us for now import clr; import System; from System import String, Environment, PlatformID; from System.IO import Directory, Path; from System.Diagnostics import Process; p = Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName=Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Tools\SourceRcon.exe"); p.StartInfo.Arguments=String.Format("{0} {1} \"{2}\" \"{3}\"", ThisService.IpAddress, ThisService.RConPort, ThisService.RConPassword, RConCommand); p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory=Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Tools"); p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True; p.Start(); ReturnValue= p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
On Steam update, the CFG files such as server.cfg are overwritten. Best to add a script before Steam update that backs up the cfg's and then replaces them after update.
Can I have a reference of where the change is made to update my own template? Thank you!
Since "Add Widget" sub button is only shown on the Home page, this will cause the Home button to stay active with no sub nav. See the second image
Yes, however the class "manual-hover" stays active on the Home button if you have it expanded and then proceed to another page. (Click on Home so that you see the Add Widget Button, then click on another page, you will see the class is still applied to the Home button). So creating a custom theme and stylizing the "manual-hover" class makes this bug obvious. This is what I'm saying is a small bug that was introduced in
Just a small bug that is irking me a bit since the latest update. The Home button is given the "manual-hover" class (which in my theme highlights it green) when you select it, however once you go to another page it will still contain that class. This is because it is still active like any other button would show, however the dropdown option "Add Widget" only displays on the homepage. This bug is also present on the default themes, however since the "manual-hover" class isn't stylized like this theme, you don't see it. How it looks on the homepage and selected: How it looks still selected but on any other page. A fix would be to either have "Add Widget" always present on any page or only have "manual-hover" class on the Home button only applying when on the homepage.
EDIT: Fixed as of TL: DR - If you are running or above, make sure all your game/mod custom scripts have the option "Execute as the service's user" ticked if the user needs access to whatever file/folder is created by said script. Just a heads up for those who haven't noticed this. Since the Security update, you are now having to run the 'Repair' action a lot to fix 'hidden' files and folders. Looking deeper into why we had this issue, the majority of the folders/files that were hidden and needed permissions repair was because the custom script created that folder/file through admin permissions. Example: A Backup / Restore script we had created a folder called "backups" where it stored the .zip files. Since the script didn't have "Execute as the service's user" ticked, the user couldn't see that folder and neither could the Restore script when trying to select the zip.
You will need to go through your Custom.css for the theme (You can download it via the Export button in your themes section) and alter the new names. From what I can tell the new update has removed "ctl00" from some content. For example: #ctl00_RadPanelbarSideBar is now: #RadPanelbarSideBar
Thought I would show a work-in-progress theme I am working on. The idea for it is minimal, modern and fast. I have yet to start designing on the main content section though.
Does anyone have the game Planet Explorers game config for Windows? Thanks.
Hey guys, TF2 Windows config that is all setup for SteamPipe (SteamCMD). TF2 - Windows.xml
This is how I fixed this for CentOS 6.3: Error: ./steamcmd: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. Fix: yum whatprovides libstdc++.so.6 The output was: libstdc++-4.4.6-4.el6.i686 : GNU Standard C++ Library So: yum install libstdc++-4.4.6-4.el6.i686 If that fails, try doing: yum install libstdc++ Then try: yum install libstdc++-4.4.6-4.el6.i686 Error: [----] !!! Fatal Error: Failed to load libsteam.so Fix: You are not running the correct command. Go to /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Tools/SteamCmd in SSH and then run: STEAMEXE=steamcmd ./steam.sh If you are missing files, download them from here: steamcmd_public_all.zip steamcmd_bins_linux.zip steamcmd_linux.zip These files should go in the linux32 folder in /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Tools/SteamCmd I recommend setting up SteamCmd manually through SSH. Always refer to this: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Dedicated_Servers
I've noticed that on your command line for Source servers, you have +ip. This will work but will make it so when a friend tries to join the server through Steam friends, it will only show the PRIMARY Ip not the Ip set to the server. To fix this you must simply change the +ip to -ip (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Command_Line_Options#Source_Dedicated_Server) Hopefully you will update this in your command lines.
Yup that did the trick. Thank you very much! So that forces the process to terminate?
Ran it manually. Quits and doesn't restart. Seems to be TCAdmin doing it then? When I use the 'quit' command It dumps a log file, when I used quit in TCAdmin, it doesn't? Don't know if its hidden or what. This is what it says when I manually started the server and used 'quit':
Have done that. I've found the problem. Once you do the server command 'quit' or click the stop button it displays this: When that happens, it automatically reboots back up and if I search for the process, I see it running by itself and not with a TCAdmin process that would be controlling it. TCAdmin displays it as Stopped since its process has been cancelled. So when I click start again, it starts it up but since the port is already taken, it uses the next one up. Any ideas?
I do, but it happens so often that I don't want to keep doing it. I run linux btw but I already know how to kill the process.
It seems the problem is that TCAdmin cannot stop the original server process. So when I click the Stop server button, the server stays up.
Well every time I click the Restart button to restart the server, it creates a second one.
Why would that be happening? The HL2DM server uses port 27015 and is on its own IP.
For some reason, on server start or on map change, my Half-Life 2: Deathmatch server keeps starting up a SECOND server with a different port of 27016 where the original is on port 27015. It happens randomly but is getting common. The duplicate server is exactly the same in every way except for the port. It's really odd and annoying. It sometimes stops when I end the original server but sometimes just stays up. Or sometimes when I end the original server, it stops the duplicate server and keeps the original up. Really weird.
I have Tweeted to Garry asking about updating Linux server .bin files. Will reply back if I get an answer. Update: No answer yet, probably to busy with Garry's Mod 13.
Here is a tutorial on how to make Garry's Mod work on Centos 5.7 and under. Intro: Have you tried installing Garry's Mod on your Centos system (5.7 and under) and noticed its not working? Well here is a little tutorial to fixing it. Why won't it launch? A few updates ago, Garry's Mod was made to rely on the latest GLIBC. This was only included with Centos 6 and will not work with any version under that. NOTE: Since the 17th of December, some Linux users haven't been getting the latest bin files (lua_shared.so, scenecacheproxy.so, server.so, toybox.so). If you haven't got these files in your 'orangebox/garrysmod/bin' folder, then download the previous update files here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3590255/Temp/linux-131.zip NOTE: Because of the bin files not being updated for linux, servers have been known to crash when spawning something like the Jeep. This is due to the outdated bin files. The fix: You will first need to download the latest lib file for GLIBC. We are only wanting Garry's Mod to use this file so we will rename it to 'test.so.6'. Log into root. Make sure you are in your /root folder (should be default). <server@local># wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/759758/libc.so.6 <server@local># mv libc.so.6 test.so.6 <server@local># mv test.so.6 /lib We have just downloaded, renamed and moved the latest GLIBC file. Now it's time to patch our server.so file to guide it to this file. Go into your server folder. <server@local># cd /home/GAMEFOLDER/USER/ID/orangebox/garrysmod/bin <server@local># perl -pi -e 's/libc/test/g' server.so Now you have renamed the path for where GLIBC will need to find the latest file. Presto! Your Garry's Mod server should now be working! Credits to GranPC on Facepunch for helping me with this.
Does someone have a Synergy config for TCAdmin 2? I've tried using this one provided here: http://tactical-gameservers.com/tcadmin/ But I am having trouble with it. Thank you.