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  1. Yeah problem solved. Testing the config and thanks.
  2. Sorry i can't understand what you just tried to say. The XML is what caused this problem to begin with. I should have just built the config lol. Do any of you know how to fix this ?
  3. I tried adding this config to TCA v2. how do i fix this?
  4. I used your ark .cfg and after upload i get this error. Can you help ?



  5. Worked on one for a few mins last night and got it working but we're still having problems launching the Elite game mode. Its an update in progress; will post on completion. ShootMania - Windows.xml
  6. Hey guys, the time has come. Any one want to work on a shootmania config file for us? (http://www.4nothing.org). We're a pro gaming team and yes we have our own master license to make things run as smooth as possible. Unfortunately none of us have the knowledge required to create a custom config from scratch. You can find the dedicated server files here --> http://files.maniaplanet.com/MPStormAlpha/ManiaPlanetAlphaServer_2012-06-21.zip The game's still in alpha but i know since there's a trackmania config kicking around here, maybe one of you will be able to help.
  7. I have a problem regarding multiple IP's and gameserver connectivity on TCA v2 Win Server 2008. I've tried everything!!!! Problem is, when i have the additional IP's on our box enabled, people fail to connect and timeout on our game servers. I can't find the underlying issue and really require some help fixing this problem. We are willing to pay the right person to come on and fix this for us so the connection problems diminish completely. We like to dedicate IP's to certain titles because for us, its easier manage, hence the reason we have the additional IP's on our box enabled. If disabled, no one suffers any connectivity issues! Any one with expertise on this can contact me and we'll be willing to hire the right person fix the connectivity issue and add the IP's correctly to avoid the problem. We need a fix and everyone needs to be able to connect to the gameservers. Please help
  8. Yeah there are a lot of ESL cetificate GSP's who've chosen another route simply because protecting valve servers from hackers is a project on its own and requires extensive deveopment knowledge. If some one ever makes protected mode for CS and 1.6 ready and pending implementation on TCA 2.0, post here.
  9. Thanks for the reply, it means a lot. To be honest i wouldn't mind using both NL and DE language files. :razz:
  10. Server Protected Mode for Source/Half life engine games built in to TCAdmin! How to protect a game server? It should be in your interest that your server cannot be hacked or used with server side cheats. Take care to ensure that your usability is not affected - your users are still able to modify their servers how they wish. The best solution is having the option to switch ?protected? mode on and off, with a publicly accessible log to show when the server was and wasn't protected. Why is protection necessary? Research has shown that there are several motives to manipulate a game server. The most obvious motive is to manipulate the game in a way that gives certain players or a team an advantage against their opponent. It is also common to manipulate a server slightly in favour of the opponent. For example, giving your opponent some unexplainable kills, which upon analysis of demos would give the impression that they cheated instead, and then using this as leverage for blackmail. This not only possible by changing files on the FTP directly, but also by hijacking the system, infecting other systems or through security holes of the system. The following procedures and implementations are standardised to prevent game server manipulations in multiple game server hosting setups. Possible vectors of attacking a game server There are multiple possible vectors of attack, but not all of them will always work for all providers. Attacking by FTP is possible wherever files which will be executed by the game server can be altered or replaced. This does not only include the game server engine's binaries, but all of the start/stop and maintenance scripts too. Attacking by modification is possible wherever the customer has the option of somehow adding modifications to his game server Most, if not all gameserver providers permitted and up to a point encouraged the use of helpful server admin tools such as Admin-Mod, StatsME, Mani ? but these are also simple ways of installing harmful modifications too. Any and all known modifications to a gameserver rely on changing the contents of the binary files in the image, or by altering the game servers configuration files of which modules are to load. In the end it all comes down to the integrity of the core engine itself, e.g. the content of the /addons folder, and the content of the liblist.gam. Therefore, even a game server image that has been verified is only secure as long as no one can edit or alter the files of the running game server in any way. Early implementations of ?secure certified game servers? showed a promising start by disabling FTP access when switching to ?protected mode? and throwing out any changes made to the server in the process. But if the user can create for themselves a ?backdoor? into the system, both this verification and denial of FTP to the protected image does not help. Sadly, it is a well documented fact that there are multiple ways to fork a shell or execute commands from a running unprotected Measures to secure a gameserver These serious implications arise from users being able to execute commands or modify files on the machine running their game server, and can only be prevented through the use of multiple security measures. In the process of switching from insecure to secure, several steps have to be taken: At no time should a user be able to edit/write a script that can be executed by the gameserver. This does not only include hlds_run or similar scripts, but any and all files that can be executed, including all gameserver engine files which can be swapped for a binary an attacker would like to run. Therefore FTP, SSH or any other method of direct access to the gameserver should be disabled in protected mode. Any open FTP, SSH etc sessions must be killed, and all processes belonging to the user must be killed. including all spawned child processes and background processes. The maximum number of running processes should be limited to the number needed by the gameserver (usually 1). Users should not be able to run processes other than the gameserver itself. This includes disabling things like crontabs. The gameserver should be restored to its original state (e.g. a known clean image), e.g. using rsync to overwrite the modified files, or trashing the UnionFS-Layer the user had access to, keeping the underlying unmodified one. Config files, custom maps and addons that are known to be safe should all configured exclusively through a web interface. If there are multiple gameservers or users on the same box, they must be securely separated so that they cannot interfere with each other. E.g. they should be seperated by chroot jails. As a last resort, in order to prevent e.g. a user setting up a bindshell to a random port, iptable rules should be setup to restrict to only the ports the user needs. Rumour has it, that some server manipulations use a sidechannel for control and communication with a manipulated client. The usage of IDS and rootkit detection software is highly encourage to keep an eye out for intruders. Summary: Finally, in order to prove when the server is in protected mode (for opponents and admins), a publicly accessible log needs to be available. For example, a web interface where anyone can enter the server details (ip:port) and return the timestamped history of when the server went in and out of protected mode. To summarize, suggested requirements are: ? secure means of configuring/customizing game server (web) ? resetting game server image on switch to ?secure mode? ? killing all processes of the game server user when switching ? cleaning out any reoccurring tasks that user might have (cron) ? limit the number of allowed concurrent running processes ? interface to get current server state (in)secure, changelog ? separate each customer in his own, restrictive chroot jail ? firewall to block all unwanted traffic to unneeded ports ? intrusion-detection systems and rootkit-detection programs Build this into TCAdmin and you are GOD
  11. 6 months and still no word.....
  12. Looking for German Language files to import. Any one have a solution?
  13. Rcon command overflow is due to the the game port query port and rcon port being the same. We fixed this in our working install before we had to uproot boxes and reinstall TCA. Just specify a different rcon port and set your port increments to 10 in the template and the responsiveness to commands will be that of COD4. Here's what we had set up and working prior to the hardware change Game Port: 27015 Query Port: 27015 RCon Port: 27020 Custom Port 1: 27025 Custom Port 2: 27030
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