use appid: 203290 like NoDoze posted the DefaultGame.ini file is used for updates by the army so if they change any settings it will be over written and applied to your AAGame.ini file and it does not launch the game. it's a rather buggy setup since it changes the hostname/password every time the server is updated. You can create a short cut using the AAlauncher32 and add [space]/DS to the target parameter before you launch it on the desktop. Create an instance,add your settings, and start it, then it will generate an AAGame.ini file and a few others for you in a folder AAPG\AAGame\Config\AAHostAServerConfig0. Take all of these files and copy them into your AAPG\AAGame\Config (remove the default ones) folder and your good to go. At the bottom of the AAGame.ini file you will see some code like this:
remove it and save the file.
Game Port:7778
Query Port:27020
Rcon Port:7778
Custom Port 1: 9010 <--- PB web tool