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  1. Thanks guys, we have dumped GS and gone with a proper redirect ... Cheers for the input
  2. Hi Guys, One of the old farts here trying to get a redirect running. We are using a COD2 game on our server but we lost our map server so one of the guys took some redirect space with Gameservers but we cannot get the redirect within our game running ? They gave us this command line to put in :- set sv_wwwBaseURL "http://redirect.lon.gameservers.com/" But we cannot get it to work !! Can anyone suggest what we need to do within our server to allow this or has anyone had any experience dealing with Gameservers over redirect space ? Cheers Guys Gary
  3. Hi Raizio On Gametracker you can select Half Life 2 Deathmatch as server query type, and then you can have banners on your customers site/clan etc, which then lists players on server, server position etc, Do you know if it is possible to put this query into the config of the TCA ?? Cheers Gary
  4. Ok, They are releasing a hotfix today at some point which stops the server overstepping the slots maximum. It is their fault !! http://www.chivalrythegame.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4137 If anyone else has the problem here is the newsfeed about it Cheers Gary
  5. Hi All, I dont know how this is being done, but on our Chivalry server someone is somehow increasing the slots from 32 to 33 which immediately puts the slot count bar to red and stops the server ?? I then get the email below :- From Subject Received Size Categories TCAdmin Control Panel Slots changed on Mon 21:52 5 KB Hello , The slots for server has been increased to 33. The maximum allowed slots is 32. Please investigate. Best regards, -|DeD|- Clan http://www.ded-clan.co.uk rafas@ded-clan.co.uk Has anyone any knowledge how this can be done, It is not happening from TCAdmin and we have a secure password via admin on the game ?? Any ideas ?? Cheers Gary
  6. Thanks Raizo, It was a DNS problem from the server, and after changing the address to the IP address it all worked ?? very strange !! but that's computers !! lol
  7. Bingo !! I had to install the 2008 redistributable C++ files as well as the 2011, and it worked after a restart Perfect and thanks for all the help !! It must be because of the Unreal engine requirements and the fact it was about 2008 when it was launched. One thing to mention was that it did not work with just the 2011 files installed and I read on one of the google pages that in certain conditions you might need all versions installing. In the end it was the 2008 files that resolved the problem. Cheers all Gary
  8. Cheers, I will try from the TCA V2 control panel after a server restart today :
  9. It was a redistributable C++ which I have re-installed. When I run the start line now I just get a black box opening up which is blank.... Any ideas from the Bods ?? Thanks Gary
  10. I tried running it in a batch file directly from the server and i get :- "The application has failed to start because MSVCR100.DLL was not found. Re-installaing the application may fix the problem" Just googling to see what that is ... Thanks Gary
  11. No Luck M8, I have tried everything to get it running, I must be missing something ?? do you have to set something else up first with it being an unreal engine ?? I have checked and all the files are there, I have installed steamcmd, run the update both automatic and manual but if I try and start it it just says "loading" in the panel for ever and nothing happens ? in fact I left it like that for an hour and it was still "loading" when I returned ? It must be something silly I have missed... but never having installed a steam game before I just dont know ? Thanks Gary
  12. Just launched and getting a lot of following, is there any help files I can read about launching this game as a server via steam ? Most of our Clan have now bought the game and a lot really like it Gary
  13. Sorry guys the address is :- http://triniteq.download.thn.crosspointcolo.co.uk/CoD4 Cheers Gary
  14. Hi All, We have taken on a new map server host some 6 weeks ago, and everything was fine until about 2 weeks ago. We play COD4 & COD2 and the issue we are getting is 12kb dl speed which normally means a path issue and we have tried and tried to find the problem without success ?? Our old map server with HTTP address works fine ?? but the new HTTP address with same line setup does not ?? when you try in game to download a new map the http address flashes up .... and then reverts to 12kb a sec , however if you put the http address in the address bar and download a map that way it is 1.5mb a sec and is ultra quick Now I know you brain boxes will know exactly what the issue is :cool:cool so can you help ?? The map server people dont know what is wrong either ?? but they are not use to supplying map servers lol Thanks Guys Gary
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