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Everything posted by VoiceServers

  1. Hi GSP! Today i read a lot of websites about optimize java process with long long loooong cmdline options. For example proactive garbacecollector, more thread etc.. Question: What cmdline option do you use to you Minecraft Server Farm? Thanks!
  2. Simply Question :What do you do to protect your game server vs a DDOS? Hardest answer
  3. Just Update, runs fine!! Now we need a new feature!! V2 to V2!! Ussefull for when we buy company's merge panels! Nice Job!
  4. Info about how to make Dino D-Day servers: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1823169
  5. Im getting that error when i try to configure, im sure that my Server can run , Its a E5-2620 That happend when i try to run with 16 slots. invalid server configuration - insufficient cpu performance When i try to run with 12 Slots it runs fine Any ideas?
  6. I dont know why in game services , slots of Shootmania are not show it , Anyideas?
  7. Runs fine some modifications needed like change MasterUser and masterpassword, create a SMStormElite.txt, and add some EliteMaps and.. create the match settings.
  8. Hi guys, I own two TCAdmin Master eachone with customers and services enabled. I want to migrate to 1 TCAdmin Master + 1 Slave. Is there any way to do that without need to again manually all services/clients? I investigated and maybe with some MySQL scripting hours it could be migrated. Thanks!
  9. Solved. I installed steamcmd in my PC and copy all files to server.
  10. Hi guys, We're getting that error upgrading the CS:GO servers: Initializing Steam... ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt". [ 0%] Checking for available update... SteamUpdater: Error: Download failed: http error 0 [ 0%] Download Complete. [----] Verifying installation... [ 0%] Downloading Update... [ 0%] Checking for available update... SteamUpdater: Error: Download failed: http error 0 [ 0%] Download Complete. SteamUpdater: Error: Steam needs to be online to update. Please confirm your network connection and try again. [ 0%] !!! Fatal Error: Steam needs to be online to update. Please confirm your network connection and try again. Obviously server got internet access
  11. Not 100% good... some providers apply diferent prices based location. And if a customer move to another datacenter its a f"""" ... this will overcommit server.
  12. Hi guys, I have just imported that gameconfig in v2 without problem. Well, When i start the server it generate a lot of DUMP logs in game root folder. Someone know to repair that insue? Each log size 50 KB in TXT
  13. Sorry bad expresion, McMyAdmin with TCadmin2
  14. Anyone got the config file to setup MineCraft with TCAdmin2?
  15. Well them sell Mumble and Teamspeak 3 . A company must not considere a minimun of slot. For example i started TS3 with 0 clients. Now i got near 10000 slots. Stupid company policy
  16. Hi guys, Someone get a Ventrilo License Hosting? I try to contact with Ventrilo Team without answer. Actually I own a TS3 ATHP. Also host Mumble server... I dont know if Ventrilo server have high demand. Some info? About voiceservers market? ty!
  17. That happens because TCAdmin monitor slots, and you create a server with 11 slots for example but by default server are 20 slots. Them TCadmin stop server.
  18. Remplace the +maxplayers $[service.Slots] cmd line for -maxplayers_override $[service.Slots].
  19. Did you apply via Email or phone? Email address? Im bored of EA ... but the marked demands EA games servers Ty!
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