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Todd Holley

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Everything posted by Todd Holley

  1. You may need some patience, hopefully Monk will shed some light on this for you.
  2. Monk is the "god", if you will, of computers. And as he runs Summit, I would guess he is quite experienced with running servers in excess of 2,000 FPS. I believe I read a post not too long ago in which he got it to go far above this.
  3. Monk could shed some serious light on this subject, there isn't a better person in my mind that could speak about this topic.
  4. Haha I looked on google for an answer but did not search on the forums.
  5. Lol, I just don't enjoy creating configs very much. I always get my tech to make them. I don't really need it as requests for this game stopped. But it wouldn't hurt. Edit: I may want to hire you to integrate TCA into my new site layout....
  6. I don't have any money. I vote that xp buys it then gives it to me.
  7. I can only guess at what some of these replies will be.
  8. lol, id like to receive some help via ventrilo or something or call me cause it is beginning to piss me off.
  9. I gave up on trying to get ut3 to run, so I simply resell them from another company.
  10. I need to talk to you about something brad. Shoot me an email please, war at codoriginalservers.com
  11. anyone have this? I have gotten many requests for this game.
  12. Lol, you can call me Todd. I can barely start a server manually so if I did make one if I was you i'd be scared to use it.
  13. Game server status and everything works fine in TCA. I run all my cod1 servers and cod2 servers and cod4 servers on 20 FPS. This is just a server-side fps and users conneted to the server can go WELL ABOVE that.
  14. It is just dedicated server files. They are free anyway. I didn't see you complaining in the Call of Duty 4 MW config thread.
  15. lmao, i cant even find how to start a dedicated server anywhere in the files after i run the installer..
  16. Oh yeah, and anyone have the config for this game? lol?
  17. I can offer the files themselves, not zipped or rar'd. I don't have time to zip or rar them. :[
  18. Shoot me an email with the info. war | at | codoriginalservers.com. Thank you!
  19. lol, i think he decided to stay away when he figured out how many people he would have asking him for server files
  20. I think it comes out tomorrow, would you mind sharing?
  21. ut3 drops tomorrow in the us right?
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