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Todd Holley

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Everything posted by Todd Holley

  1. How do I get this "ea downloader"?
  2. You got a place I can dl the files off of in the us?
  3. You get the dedicated server files from... where?
  4. This is not server-side, correct? No need to update our dedicated files.. right?
  5. If it is running TCA aparently doesn't see it.
  6. This config + dedicated server files not working for me. Any other setup needed other than just put the files in gameinstalls and add this config in tca?
  7. yay, the same day I get my new dallas machines online!
  8. I would also like a copy of these...and how do you get the dedicated files for this game?
  9. I am also having to /reconnect several times to get connected to a server. Plus my servers stopped showing in the browser. But once I get connected to a server this is a hella awesome game!!! I have been playing all weekend actually.
  10. They are normal, I get them on all of my cod4 machines, and I know of at least 3 other providers that are getting the same errors. They are normal and do not seem to effect game play at all.
  11. 3 I am pretty sure 24play1 has a download location and he is located in the UK.
  12. I have never been above 210mb, even with a full 32 man server.....
  13. What I thought, I would highly recommend them to anyone, but they have had some power issues in Dallas over the past few days. Preventing them from setting up new machines. They are trying there best though.
  14. My god all we need is more CPU usage and we can call this America's Army
  15. I get small spikes when map changes occur. Only about 4% cpu
  16. CPU usage is VERY low. Maby 4-5 percent is what im seeing. RAM is a lot though.. 150-220 MB.
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