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Lt Usher

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Lt Usher last won the day on August 1 2024

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  1. Nope, seems they only allow registered hosts to set up a headless server.
  2. Sorry, I took a long break, I am back now. Can you give me OS and I will investigate. Thanks.
  3. Hi All, Could I reach out and ask politely if anyone could share a working Farming Simulator 22 config? I don't mind paying a reasonable price, it's for a community server as I'm not a hosting provider. Many thanks!
  4. Yea always bind to internal IP behind external firewalls and then set the hostname to an 'A' record you have set to the public IP. Problem solved!
  5. View File Factorio Working config for both Windows and Linux - Please note, for Windows download, you will need to use a steam account which has the game in inventory. For Linux the script will pull down a headless package from Factorio's website. Submitter Lt Usher Submitted 3/8/2023 Category Game Configs  
  6. I'll make the changes to the template and publish an update, thanks for the update!
  7. View File JMusicBot Features# Easy to run (just make sure Java is installed, and run!) Fast loading of songs No external keys needed (besides a Discord Bot token) Smooth playback Server-specific setup for the "DJ" role that can moderate the music Clean and beautiful menus Supports many sites, including Youtube, Soundcloud, and more Supports many online radio/streams Supports local files Playlist support (both web/youtube, and local) Supported sources and formats# JMusicBot supports all sources and formats supported by lavaplayer: Sources# YouTube SoundCloud Bandcamp Vimeo Twitch streams Local files HTTP URLs Formats# MP3 FLAC WAV Matroska/WebM (AAC, Opus or Vorbis codecs) MP4/M4A (AAC codec) OGG streams (Opus, Vorbis and FLAC codecs) AAC streams Stream playlists (M3U and PLS) To find out more about this bot please view their website: https://jmusicbot.com/ Submitter Lt Usher Submitted 2/15/2023 Category Game Configs  
  8. I have found the cause and put in a temporary repair as you can see bellow: import clr, json import System from System import String import urllib2 import ssl clr.AddReference("TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK") ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE data = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(String.Format('https://api.mcsrvstat.us/bedrock/2/{0}:{1}', ThisService.IpHostname, ThisService.QueryPort)), context=ctx).read() response = json.loads(data) Status="UP" XmlFormat="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><qstat><server type=\"CUSTOM\" address=\"{0}:{1}\" status=\"{2}\"><hostname>{0}:{1}</hostname><name>{3}</name><map>{4}</map><gametype>{5}</gametype><numplayers>{6}</numplayers><maxplayers>{7}</maxplayers></server></qstat>" NumPlayers = response['players']['online'] MaxPlayers = response['players']['max'] Version = response['version'] Map = response['map'] Name = response['motd']['clean'][0] ReturnValue=String.Format(XmlFormat, ThisService.IpAddress, ThisService.QueryPort, Status, Name, Map, 'Minecraft Bedrock', NumPlayers, MaxPlayers)
  9. Hi @Dennis, The player query script is giving a URLError on Linux, I have adjusted the argument to show the fully formed URL and it's contstructed correctly but I have had to suspend query monitoring. Can you help me with this? import clr, json import System from System import String import urllib2 clr.AddReference("TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK") data = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(String.Format('https://api.mcsrvstat.us/bedrock/2/{0}:{1}', ThisService.IpHostname, ThisService.QueryPort))).read() response = json.loads(data) Status="UP" XmlFormat="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><qstat><server type=\"CUSTOM\" address=\"{0}:{1}\" status=\"{2}\"><hostname>{0}:{1}</hostname><name>{3}</name><map>{4}</map><gametype>{5}</gametype><numplayers>{6}</numplayers><maxplayers>{7}</maxplayers></server></qstat>" NumPlayers = response['players']['online'] MaxPlayers = response['players']['max'] Version = response['version'] Map = response['map'] Name = response['motd']['clean'][0] ReturnValue=String.Format(XmlFormat, ThisService.IpAddress, ThisService.QueryPort, Status, Name, Map, 'Minecraft Bedrock', NumPlayers, MaxPlayers) Thank you in advance.
  10. I can't see why not, all you would be required to do, is add -beta experimental in the steam settings of the config.
  11. The save location for both windows and Linux is ~/FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGames so it’s kept inside the server directory unlike the default which is shown bellow which are outside the server files. Windows: %appdata%\..\Local\FactoryGame\Saved\SaveGames. Linux: ~/.config/Epic/FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGames. I hope this answers your query.
  12. View File Satisfactory This is a working config for both, Windows and Linux OS. Works with multihome (servers which have more than 1 IP) Working MK script for Windows and working symbolic link for Linux. Submitter Lt Usher Submitted 1/7/2023 Category Game Configs  
  13. Hey guys, I'm struggling to see the wood for the trees here, I am trying to sight my backups to a storage disk on the same server. I have come up with the bellow which passes syntax check but fails to execute. BACKUP_LOCATION = Path.Combine("D:\TCAFiles\Users", ThisService.UserName, ThisService.ServiceId, "Backups") Any correction would be greatly appreciative. Kind regards, Neill
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