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jungleNZ last won the day on December 22 2024

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  1. Not sure what it would be doing. Any logs? Mine works fine. Is there a folder in the main files for Ark Ascend that says distributables? If so run the files in there and then update server and see if anything changes
  2. Seems to use API query. Still trying to sort that prt. Think someone else is also looking into it.
  3. View File ASKA Installation Download the config Go to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Voice Hosting > Game & Other Voice Servers > Import Save the config as a new config or chose "Overwrite existing config" if you which to overwrite your current config. Leave all other settings features... GSLT token setter (if it does not placed token in config you can paste it in editor or conf editor) Configuration Editor Standard query seems to work A MUST: You do have to own the game to be able to set GSLT token. Also make sure you have GSLT module installed. Submitter jungleNZ Submitted 12/22/2024 Category Game Configs  
  4. Put your credentials in for the game as it is asking for (in the steamcmd bat file of config section for steam)
  5. just change the FILES & DIRECTORIES exe to this: DayZServer_x64.exe instead of the DZSALModServer.exe
  6. got a link to the mod (then I will test it)
  7. I have a config. Not a true server setup (that's giant for you)(as well as each server you have to buy key to run)
  8. Mine works fine, no issue with api. If you do have multiple IPS then try using the -multihome=ip (make sure you place before -log -unattended) or add the following to the commandline: -ini:Engine:[HTTPServer.Listeners]:DefaultBindAddress=any
  9. Been sorted. The game download bat needs to have username and password for steam set and app number change to 573090 It now has to load the client files (server version does not work)
  10. Web console link does not work, query does not work. This (above) runs but not sure of its entirity
  11. Config updated. Enter your username and password in the commandline manager (click selected). Either account name if you set up at https://strangeloopgames.com/ or steam account details if you own the steam version. Eco - Windows.xml
  12. Works fine for me. Tweeked bat file so try this: ac - Windows.xml
  13. Got to update this. Server manager been updated.
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