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Everything posted by mooseyman

  1. To add to Willo's post, I also tried to get this working, for some odd reason we killed the ark remote process's from task manager as soon as we click "launch ark remote" this launches about 3 of them and they all say already in use.
  2. Hi Everyone, Just to let you know Rust Experimental is now available for Linux! Finally!!! I know how to set this up this is the guide. 1. Follow the steam guide here https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Rust_Dedicated_Server make sure you use the second commandline - app_update 258550 -beta experimental validate***65279; 2. Please go to our website and download the 2 sets of files required https://www.ketzen.co.uk/rust-experimental-files/ replace the files in "where_you_installed_rust"/RustDedicated_Data/Plugins/x86_64/ with the files from the x86_64 zip file if you wish to install oxide mod you MUST put the sqllite3 file the zip file into the /RustDedicated_Data/Plugins/x86_64/ folder aswell running the server is the normal command line like so ./RustDedicated -batchmode +server.ip YOUR SERVER IP +server.port 28015 +rcon.ip YOUR SERVER IP +rcon.port 32854 +server.hostname "My Rust Server" -server.maxplayers 100 +server.seed 52131283872 +rcon.password "WeLoveKetzen" -chat.serverlog 1 -server.netlog 1 Any more questions let us know! My only request is someone PLEASE MAKE an xml for tcadmin2 ASAP for us as we want this in tcadmin
  3. Hi I added the game config but when i go to install the game service tekkit doesnt show up on the list?
  4. hi guys, right i think I have some permission issues, thank you for the help before with the dev mod that is now working thanks to you, but i have another issue, in /csgo/cfg/ I cannot see ANY of the cfg files when using the filemanager or filezilla , although when i ssh into the server i can see them like so : (-rwxrwxrwx 1 tcagame tcagame 12533 May 24 23:57 server.cfg ) I have checked file permissions and cfg and I do have editable extensions as *.cfg; in both linux and windows (linux is using windows as a template) Edit - Face palm - Fixed!
  5. sorry i am face palming myself right now, can you point me in the right place for these snapshots? or a little instructions as i've never heard of snapshot sourcemod metamod, edit - found the snapshots does anyone know the working versions?
  6. this is a brand new tcadmin server so i dont have any snapshots I was looking to see if i could find if steam had broken metamod/sourcemod and i couldnt find anything since 2011, thanks for the update guys
  7. Hi guys im having a nightmare with metamod, it may be a newer version is causing isssues? here's the problem i Have, this shows up in the console whenever i have metamod installed L 05/25/2015 - 00:08:58: [META] Could not open folder "/home/tcagame/admin/1/csgo/***65533;s" (No such file or directory) L 05/25/2015 - 00:08:58: [META] Loaded 0 plugins. I have the correct metamod vdf for csgo but I just cant get it to play ball? any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. I had the same issue i had to manually download steamcmd.sh from steam and put it into the TCADMIN folder on my server.
  9. Hi Everyone I can't seem to get the query protocol to work on my arma3 server on the control panel. Can someone give me a screen shot of what is should be. The server is working 100% I just cant query it from the panel, I have opened the ports in UFW/IPTables
  10. if this is on linux what fixed mine was instead of having the command srcds_linux it was srcds_run
  11. here take mine, you may need to manipulate it a bit as i have made some changes to it. let me know if you need the linux config too. CS-GO - Windows.xml
  12. Hi Can i ask, where do i put the armaserver.sh? do i manually extract it in the game files or is there a way to automatically do that
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