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Everything posted by csellebrecht

  1. that is where the latest Oxide update are always stored
  2. If you guys use this url as the download mod for Oxide it will pull the newest one each time you go to install Oxide. Anytime you want to install the newest Oxide just uninstall mod and reinstall mod. https://github.com/OxideMod/Snapshots/blob/master/Oxide-Hurtworld.zip?raw=true
  3. I am having the same issues, server stopping in TCAdmin but when I run it on RDP it works just fine.
  4. it is strange the exact same which I made many months ago has been working on other servers with no problem. one of my server don't under stand, oh well I will run MC servers on it..
  5. here is one I created, make sure to edit the command line to include your username and pass which you registered with Americas Army. You will need to setup punkbuster also. AP3 - Windows.xml
  6. that has been an issue with the new update. That same config works on one of my servers but not the other.
  7. test the config on your server it should work, if you have a different one post it and I will try that.
  8. No I am running windows 2012 r2 This same config I have been using for months on another server with no issues. I can start server if I use a bat file in the directory but just TCAdmin will not start it. Not sure what is going on with it.
  9. I will try the strange thing is it works prefect on my other server and used to work on this server. Thanks
  10. I have a problem with Rust Experimental. I am able to run legacy no problem using TCAdmin and my config worked perfectly on another server but for some reason it will not start the server. I can start the server out of TCADMIN and everything works perfect. I have included the config, any ideas on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated. The server says its running but it is not running correctly to generate map and everything needed. I included a screen shot of server stats. https://gyazo.com/90e0902e4b5c5dc33e17ed45e9800757 Thanks Rust - Windows.xml
  11. Hey Guys, I have been uising this config for Rust Experimental and it was working and is still working on another server. I reinstalled TCAdmin on another server and now it doesn't even start the rust for some reason. CPU stats stay at 0. I can start the server outside of TCAdmin so I know the files wrok. Any help would be great. Thanks Rust - Windows.xml
  12. Anyone having rcon issues with TCAdmin reporting how many players on server and clients using Rustadmin after the last updates? If so were you able to get it fixed and what did you do? Thanks in advance!!
  13. "TheIsland?SessionName=$[HostName]?QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?Port=$[service.GamePort]?RCONPort=$[service.RConPort]?RCONEnabled=True?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots]?ServerPassword=$[PrivatePassword]?ServerAdminPassword=$[RConPassword]?MultiHome=$[service.IpAddress]?listen" this is what I use and works great and can be seen on server menu
  14. Where do we get the files for terraria. Can we get them from steam?
  15. Sorry was gone but yes you do need it to run the server
  16. Syndrogo, Did you install direct x
  17. Anyone Solve the problem of the game server appearing in the games server menu? If so how were you able to solve it?
  18. Anyone get there server to appear in the server listing in game?
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