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Everything posted by flanknet

  1. Yeah, I just got the vanilla servers to start working again. So far MM and SM are not working for me.
  2. @Dennis - Yes. I created the vdf file. @marcelokruk - With Luis's help, I finally got the fresh install to start working properly. Now to get MetaMod and SourceMod to start working properly.
  3. Sorry for the double response. My machine freaked out when I posted the first time and rebooted on me. When it recovered, it auto loaded and reposted my response. So after verifying that Steam is in fact installed on the machine, I'm just going to rebuild it. This time I'm downgrading to Ubuntu 12.04 and see if that works.
  4. That is freaking messed up. I've completely recreated the server 4 times and I'm getting the same error even though I've followed the instructions to the letter. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 for my remote server.
  5. That is freaking messed up. I've completely recreated the server 4 times and I'm getting the same error even though I've followed the instructions to the letter. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 for my remote server.
  6. su tcagame cd /home/tcagame/Admin/1/ ./srcds_run -game csgo -console -condebug -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 -maxplayers_override 12 +maxplayers 12 +exec server.cfg +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust -ip -port 27015 -tickrate 128
  7. Here is the error that I get when I manually launch the server. https://docs.google.com/document/d/165NUPbff_7ISTXkdp0_AGn6C9fUBtrivflmIPPhtaOg/edit?usp=sharing It's really long, so I had to put it on GDrive.
  8. Yeah, I'm using the snapshots. Unfortunately, the moment I add the SourceMod and MetaMod files on a server, the server breaks.
  9. I'm having issues as well. The moment I install the latest versions of SourceMod and MetaMod, the server crashes. It's not until I uninstall the plugins that the server works again.
  10. I couldn't get it to work on CentOS 6, but I did get it to work on Ubuntu 14.04.
  11. I have that added already, and when I try to get it to work, I get the error that it cannot find the MySQL Driver.
  12. Counter Strike Global Offensive Specifically Surf with a Time Clock.
  13. Hey guys, I'm trying to figure this out. On my remote server, which uses Linux, the servers are asking for a MySQL driver when I've got mods installed. Any help on fixing this would be phenomenal.
  14. Yeah. I had to do a complete redownload of the GMod files and that fixed my issue.
  15. Kenrin, When I started hosting, I did the same thing you did. I started off with CentOS 6, and then moved to 7. I ran into the same problems you were, and finally decided to go with a new platform. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 on my Master and Remote 1 servers, and haven't given me an issue yet.
  16. Well, I have no idea what the issue is then. Any help with getting things configured would be phenomenal.
  17. The requirements that BIS has on being able to host the DayZ Standalone is more ludicrous than DICE and the Battlefield series. I was finally able to get a hold of someone from BIS on the telephone, and after a 45 minute discussion, it's evident that the developers of this game only want one thing.... Money. They do not care about the smaller GSPs. They only care that companies like GameServers and VILayers, and other larger GSPs, are able to bring in a percentage to them. Sorry, after this call I had, I'm really frustrated with the whole situation.
  18. I had it to the point that it allows me to connect to the server, what then I time out.
  19. I need a config that's working. I am having an issue figuring out what is supposed to be in the command line so that I can figure out what errors my linux server is obtaining when I launch the game.
  20. Hey guys, I'm looking for a working Starbound config file. The one that I created isn't working right.
  21. Minecraft Server creation was fine. Was able to log in and got everything going great.
  22. Did the aforementioned fix, and it didn't work. Still giving me the same error in the Service Browser.
  23. Additionally, are you using Version 1 or Version 2? If you are using Version 2, the setup you quoted in the initial thread is for Version 1. You need to make sure you go to http://help.tcadmin.com/ and follow the instructions.
  24. System > Settings > API Settings is where it's located.
  25. Program(s) or devices(s) requesting attention. Message title: SOURCE DEDICATED SERVER Program path: C:\TCAFiles\Users\Admin\8\srcds.exe Received: Today, January 14, 2015, 7:54:27 PM This problem occurs when a program is not fully compatible with Windows. Please contact the program or device manufacturer(s) for more information. I'm running Windows Server 2012 R2.
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