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Everything posted by JetFox

  1. Anyone have an updated Empyrion Config?, one's posted aren't working...
  2. Not really, Does not save the map on exit for windows. only the autosave files will work. I believe tcadmin does a hard shutdown instead of a soft shutdown.
  3. How about the autosave exit? Like ctrl-c close to save.. otherwise it doesn't save.
  4. Arma 3 uses a time configuration for saving log files, anyway to load the proper file?
  5. Yup, everything was updated and restarted the server fully
  6. Restarted monitor, still blank console screen: http://gyazo.com/efa2dafb36fb6f5c0fc980274521c35b
  7. Comes up with a blank console still, http://gyazo.com/6090478a531c5ca1195869c67352dfe2 http://gyazo.com/5a2ebca018fb70f6652a0509e6b14821 Any specific rcon protocol i should use?
  8. Have any of you gotten web console to work?
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