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  1. Okay, I solved it, this one really was my bad, when I tried to get steam guard working I had another guide on the tcadmin help area (don't know what it was) but it told me to go to the "Monitor" dir and configure steamguard, after re-looking over the support thread you linked I realized it was different, instead of doing it through remote desktop like I did last time, I did it through the web browser and it worked fine, sorry that it appeared I was not trying to solve it myself, but I was stuck on this for quite a while, thanks anyways Raizio and all else who supported!
  2. I checked here, did the guide to configure steamguard, and when I use SteamCMD from the \TCAdmin2\Monitor\Tools\ dir it works fine. So I dont think its steamguard, any other possibilities?
  3. This happens when I try to update Arma 2 with steamCMD in the web browser. ServiceId 1 - Stopping ***IP... ServiceId 1 - ***IP has been stopped. Initializing Steam... Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK. Logging in user 'USER' to Steam Public...Login Failure: Invalid Login Auth Code FAILED with result code 65 @ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 "@ShutdownOnFailedCommand" = "1" @NoPromptForPassword ***** "@NoPromptForPassword ***** set_steam_guard_code "NONE" login "*****" "*****" Redirecting stderr to 'C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd\logs\stderr.txt' [ 0%] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... ServiceId 1 - Starting ***IP... ServiceId 1 - ***IP has been started. The process has completed. What exactly does this mean, and how can I fix it?
  4. What I am saying is I have set the slots, but when the server starts the slot (no matter what I have set it to) resets to 64 slots.
  5. How can I set it up so the slots, ip, and port setup with it? At this time slots is 64, ip:port is just default.
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