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Everything posted by goatboynz

  1. http://help.tcadmin.com/File_System_Permissions
  2. Use Search up the top. There are shit load of them floating around
  3. from your logs this is more of an exilemod.com prob. I am taking it that you are renting the server from a GSP? Things to check: Check that all the info is right the the extdb-conf.ini file aka the ip,username,DB and password. check to see if static mode in the database is turned off. Check that the .dll files are unlocked. Your .rpt log for arma looks ok but then agen its not booting the mission up. If you stall have probs get hold of me on here or you can try my teamspeak ts3.gamingnz.com
  4. There is a altis life config floating around take a look at how thy did that. Most people have it as a mod you can install onto there arma 3 config.
  5. If people started using the search shit ya never know world wars might stop.
  6. On a side note i don't know how the game is stall running lol. It was another game that went down hill from day one lol.
  7. Use the search next to new post.
  8. You can find all those configs on here for the games you want to host apart from DayZ Standalone.
  9. Just a plan working config for any game goes for around $20-$30 but that depends on what game as said some games you can spend hours to get it working sweet. All so as said how userfriendly do you want them. Like one click install of mods and what not? Not if you are looking at settng up and renting the servers out then you should take the configs that are on the forums and tweak them youself so if anything goes wrong you know what to do. All so you will have to update the game configs as time goes on as stuff changes when the game gets updated.
  10. BEC works good for auto restart for arma2/3. Eazy to set up and can have it as a mod then the user can b like i want it or nar i don't. If you are going to be renting arma 3 server out most clients will want BEC or MBCon.
  11. You are right but i don't rely support ark lol.
  12. Thanks for this my clients will be happy now
  13. The files are had to find but the best place would be github as people dont lock down there shit lol. As for the mod files thy are all over the net now. I was the fist to have a crack server and back then the ppl that run arma3life was not happy thy keeped ddosing my server to the point i just shut the server down and put the files out on the net but that was some time ago. the same went for arma3 epoch when thy had there server files locked i got hold of them and thy keeped trying to bring down the server lol. The arma 3 community is fucked now so i have stoped anything to do with it. The way i see things code like that should be for all to use lol that is y i am blacklisted on prity much every arma 3 server lol. So yes the files are out there its just finding them. i can give ya some of the files i have you will prob have to do some work on them as thy are old. But if you do want them ill upload them somewhere for yous.
  14. Shot for this everything works all good now. Does anyone know why this just started doing this now seams odd. Did steam do some kind of update to cmd or somthing. Can confirm 'Execute as the service's user' Works.
  15. Same thing. You just need the files for it. aka server files, sql dump and mod pack. Note if the people from arma3life see you running a server thy will try there best to bring you down lol. Also don't ask for help for the mod on the altislife forums as you will get banned. I think i have some older files somewhere so if ya get stuck get hold of me on here or try my ts ts3.gamingnz.com. I am from new zealand so the times might differ depending where you are.
  16. You are right but at the end of the day when the config needs tweeking the person will not know how to do it. You are beast to learn tcadmin so you are able to fix shit as it comes to hand.
  17. easy add the 2 mods and boom aka @extdb and @altislifeserver. O and you need a db you can find all the info on the altislife forums. if you want like 1 click install then you will have to make a cfg for it. have a look on the forums here and there should b one
  18. The people that want the configs for free are the ones that fail as thy don't know how thy work. As we know some configs we make can take hours to get working well. Alpha games are more of a prick are all most every update you are tweeking your configs for them. At the end of the day if you are going to have people buying hosting from you then you should learn the software you are using aka tcadmin. Or when something breaks you are not going to know how to fix it.
  19. all the official servers address are in a xml file on the clients end. You can put yous in there but it will only show for you just like dennis said.
  20. Current Version: v188.0 Note: For ARK Server Admins, v188 will upon first launch overwrite your server's "ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\LinuxOrWindowsServer\GameUserSettings.ini". This was an unintended side effect of modifying the Default INI that it derives from, but sadly we can't revert the change. So you can restore your server's previous GameUserSettings INI values after updating if you wish. We'll make sure that this INI overwrite doesn't happen again, however. Thank you very much ARK Server admins! ARK for the win once more lol
  21. With all the test i have done all you need to do is change the query port to put up another server. 10 servers running off one box with out a prob so far. Once i have fin tweeking my config i will upload it here for all to use.
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