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Everything posted by Beals

  1. ok so if i try use the same exact ssl secure settings in tcadmin that i use in whmcs billing which work btw. but they will not work in tc admin it will fail sending test mail everytime any idea to what i could be doing wrong
  2. right underneath the default welcome message for all newly created ts3 server add in spots #1 Host Banner: Banner Gfx URL: Gfx Interval: Resize: options #2 Host Button Tooltip: URL: Icon URL:
  3. http://www.dirohost.com/login/whmcs-teamspeak-3-musicbot-module
  4. Normal The devs of the game stated you need a minimum of 5 gigs just to start it then more for every user joining
  5. well not haveing any luck with this i have done all the changes needed for file limits and what not i am using cent os 6 ill just wait a while longer hopefully it will get better as the game grows. thank you tho for offering your config its like pulling teeth to get people to share around here.
  6. Thank you ill give it a go
  7. has anyone got this working for Linux yet ?https://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/594820656471833280/
  8. http://addons.teamspeak.com/directory/addon/administration/YaTQA-Query-Admin-Tool-%28German%29.html
  9. nice i was thinking of trying the same thing i am interested in this
  10. sorry haven't had this issue yet only thing i can suggest is to make sure you have the native Linux 32 files from steam in your main directory
  11. what java version are you running and is this in Linux or windows
  12. have you ever got this fully working i am trying to set up arma20a with dayz and its being a pain in the a$$
  13. don't see why not we tweaked a windows /other Linux configs to get this note there is some data base dependency needed as i explore further https://github.com/Torndeco/extdb/wiki
  14. as the title says every thing you need for a Linux Arma 3 server. make sure you have the native Linux 32 files from steam in your main directory once created and updated add the A3Wasteland_v1.1.Altis to your mpmissions other needed files https://github.com/Torndeco/extdb/wiki Enjoy also a shout out the the helping hand of mclovin189 we need more people like you around theses forums arma3 - Linux.xml
  15. sadly that was the first thing i tried with no luck
  16. Took us 8 hours and havent any complaints yet
  17. as my title states i have one gmod server up and running just fine.. i got someone who wants a server i said sure no problem went to creat another server says it installs fine but it will not start no logs no nothing when i try to ssh in and manually start it it gives me a error of wrong game version tf. has anyone delt with this issue if so can you tell me how you fixed it or were to look
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