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Everything posted by xeran

  1. i do have a game firewall but that is not the problem here, i did forward the ports for the conan server in there. But it does allows all(any) ports for the executable TCAdmin adds to the firewall, it does not add the ports to the windows firewall. So if the TCAdmin executable for conan is ConanSandboxServer.exe then it opens any port for ConanSandboxServer.exe. The problem is that ConanSandboxServer.exe starts another executable wich is ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64\ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe wich actually runs the server, but TCAdmin does not add ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe to windows firewall.
  2. That is really weird becaue when i look at the firewall rules for all the games that i host then it just adds the executable and it allows it to use any port. (using windows 2016 now) My old box did exectly the same (windows 2012 r2).
  3. I did some more research first by adding ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe to the firewall, now the server shows up. removed that firewall line and changed the Executable File: to ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe and now my server shows up without a problem
  4. i did find out what the problem is, TCAdmin does not open the Query port, i did it manually now and now i can find the server. The weird part is that conan is the only game so far i have problems with the (automatic) port forwarding.
  5. im trying to host a conan exile server using the file in this post: http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12617 But it just keeps saying server not responding untill i disable the firewall, are there any ports i need to add (except 7777,7778,27015)? because i cant find the port that needs to be opended using tcpview. Thank you in advance
  6. does anyone else have problems getting the server to list ingame? I sometimes works, but it stops working after a while. I can see the server in the Steam Server browser. im also getting the following error in the logs: [2017.02.10-13.47.29:983][ 0]LogNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server ConanSandbox accept [2017.02.10-13.47.29:983][ 0]LogHandshake: Error reading handshake packet.
  7. do you have all the library's installed? if not try apt-get install libc6
  8. This is what i made real quickly, will see if i can improve it. *note* there is no way to bind it to an ip so it will only work on the main ip of the box you're hosting it on. If someone has a fix for it then please let me know! HW - Windows.xml
  9. i want to know aswell because this GLIB problem is really annoying
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