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Everything posted by numpty

  1. numpty


    That usually means there is an issue with steam servers. Gove it a few hours and try again
  2. numpty


    Try this https://help.tcadmin.com/Troubleshooting_Game_%26_Voice_Services
  3. Have you tested my config as I know for sure it works been using it for year's. But that's a very strange error. As a question. Did you download the Arma server files or arma game files. Server is 233780 and arma game is 107410. You MUST use 233780 otherwise will have missing files. So delete all files and master files that are downloaded. Confirm your custom config and try mine as will auto download correct version. Just change the stean account info. Butthats the one thing I can tho k of as I have seen many make the same mistake
  4. Are you using mods at all. As this sometimes happens with mods. And can be a pain as unless the user pressed ok then would koad the server fully. Which with a client use is impossible. Admin yes using interactive desktop. Also do you mean a3_characters not na3 possibly a typo ublsss. you are using nods
  5. In the individual ones don't need it btw it's should remember info in cache. And on that code u shared. No need to add code line at all. It is only needed the once to authorize you as the account holder. Then everytime you login to update it uses cache to sag oh your authorized. So complete login and update game. Is that understandable. ??
  6. What I did is find the steancmd in the tools folder where tcadmin is installed. Unzip and run manually. Then do login process Login username Password Code Exit It should request guard code. Enter code emailed. Then in settings where it asks for default steam account enter same guard code. And username and password. Save and wjek running again should auto login.
  7. You will need. WHMCS some hosting providers offer this at discounted price otherwise buy license directly from WHMCS. Th rn follow this to help you get setup properly https://help.tcadmin.com/TCAdmin2_advanced_module_for_WHMCS The download link for the module in on this page also. Hope this fully answers your question.
  8. That would work also. I forgot about that role. Xd. But yea that's another option to use
  9. Users cannot create game servers. Users are for running them and editing settings. Running the administration info a game server provided them when they order via the order system. If selling servers. If using tcadmin for a community then you would create a game server for that user and they can control aspects of the server. But not create them. Only admins and sub-admins are able to.
  10. Ahh yea. Open mpmissions then the folder which is the mission folder. Btw don't pbo it. The extensions r in there.
  11. Also the backup sends files over FTP to a server you want to store it to you can just use of you only have 1 server for example. Just need to setup a FTP server and your away
  12. Custom scripts Backup one called. Create backup of server mission files Restore called Restore your games mission files Hope this helps you
  13. Hi the backup directories need editing to a directory of your choice and the file types also like .pbo .key .hpp for example. And it will find all the files in the missions directory and any mods you have entered in the backup script. And zip them all up into a single zip file. The restore. I can not remember if that works I think it does but will need testing. Lemme know if you encounter any issues while testing
  14. Are all files in the directory’s as it supposed to be and is the executable exe still same as the one in files. Eg the Dayz mod launcher exe if I remember it's set as so players can use mods and play with them on the server Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. As far as aware no ifs just test and see. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. It does correct. Will only use the master ip of the server. Tcadmin can show any ip but the server will only use the master ip
  17. What game is it? In the games master config in the part where all the game configs are stored. Go to ip and ports. Check to see if only use main ip is checked. If so uncheck it
  18. As Dennis said. This config has nothing to do with the steam update feature. It utilises the feature which is built into tcadmin as standard so the issue lays elsewhere eg steam itself. firewall blocking steam download port etc
  19. Possibly. I haven't got one otherwise would share it. I mean they're not hard to update manually. Search Google on how to make a dedicated server. Check things like the exe is correct. The config files are correct and updated with variables in Place n stuff. Then test it out. That's what tends to do but give it a search here first and see if there is a more up to date one if not give the other way a try. Once you learn to create/update them it becomes easier. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Most of them have newly updated configs all over the forums use the search and u will find most Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Dn me in discord username numpty9989#3464 ill chat with you and help get it sorted for you Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I jumped on his server and helped him sort it. Had to switch to heidi sql instead of microsoft sql server and all was sorted .
  23. As far as I'm aware no there isn't yet
  24. I tried too same thing and got nothing. Hopefully there will soon
  25. Ok just thought I'd ask am not too familiar with MC so thought I would ask thanks for confirming
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