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Everything posted by 4evergaming

  1. 4evergaming

    Billing Alerts

    Hi, the API call takes almost a minute and a half to return the results as it gets all the products (including finished and cancelled). Something like 3000 products. Any alternative solution can be implemented?
  2. 4evergaming


    I have an error trying to create a subdomain. System.MissingMethodException Method not found: System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Alexr03.Common.Web.Extensions.ControllerExtensions.SendSuccess(System.Web.Mvc.ControllerBase,string) Description: HTTP 500.Error processing request
  3. It would be nice to be able to distinguish the databases according to the ip of the service. In the list on the right showing, for example, dropping a database, if this name is repeated, it is not known which database you are actually dropping. Also, when deleting a database that doesn't really exist in the database the module fails. Thanks ..
  4. Oh, okay! My screen is 14 inches. I thought it was a little more responsive and it was a design issue. Thank you very much! PS: It would be nice to be able to assign a database amount per user to send as a variable via WHMCS. Another thing that occurred to me was some type of user restriction such as -> WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 100 -> MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR 30 -> MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR 200 -> MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 10; Very good module
  5. A question, could you improve the view for Linux? At least it looks pretty bad to me. Thanks!
  6. Hi! there is an error in the versions I think .. v.1.0.1 appears dated 11-07-2020 and v1.0.2 dated 05-07-2020. I have already installed v1.0.1 and this appears on the chrome console: Access denied for user 'root'@'45.235.%.%' (using password: YES) The strange thing is that I have already previously executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypw'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Also I have tried to connect to mysql workbench from outside the network and I can perfectly. Thanks for answering EDIT: Well .. something so lazy for not creating a specific user. Do not use the root user! I have already solved. Thank you!
  7. Hi! I have tried the module and it doesn't work for me. It happens that when creating the database in the panel it is created but is not added to the list of the user's database, also it jumps an error that says "Unable to connect to the remote MySQL host. Please contact an Administrator! " I don't know how this is possible since the database is created correctly and throws error. Hugs and I await your response. Good module Edit: I use Linux Ubuntu 64 bit and MySQL Server 5.7.30
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