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Everything posted by Skurnicki

  1. So im trying to figure out the new rcon update to arma 3 to get big brother bot working. The rcon has to have a new port now instead of the default RConPassword mypassword RConIP RConPort 2462 the RCon Ip is optional according to the devs wiki but you have to specify the port. One my test server I have in the beserver.cfg added the RCon ip and password but when you go in the remote access it shows "active beserver.cfg" it only shows the RCon password only loaded. Im assuming because of the default value in the variables If any can point me in the right direction that would be awesome
  2. sooo if that was the case then whats the point of having this on their website? http://master.joinsquad.com/serverlicense looks like to me you have to apply to get the server files.
  3. Squad currently cant be distributed via steam at the moment, only people who have been approved by the devs have the server files.
  4. Does anyone know how to switch a server over to the new the center map? I tried via command manager, but the server wont load when I have the map selected. Also completely different topic can anyone tell me why I cant make a custom command line, every time I try it pulls from the default and it wont let me edit it, I had to make a predefined one to try changing to TheCenter.
  5. My rust files and servers work just fine Dennis, I just strange that one of his servers is working and the other isnt. He didnt really give much information other then the issue with the update.
  6. Do we need to change anything or is facepunch looking in to it?
  7. Search the forums they are all over the place. Unless your looking for a personal config file well thats gonna cost you coin from people willing to do it.
  8. That's why I'm stumped too cuz the tcadmin files are in the default location so om assuming it would be c\tcadmin\users\7thcav\3\ark\ the files after. I don't understand how you guys getting this error and I am. My only hail Mary is move the 64 folder to the.ark directory and change the path but who knows what would that screw up
  9. Yeah I dont know how i can make the file path any smaller and to use less charaters to get this to work. If anyone has any ideas im open to suggestions.
  10. so should i change file names or what like this is what i down loaded from steam
  11. Thank you guys sooooo much I had to download some dll files but yeah I never would have guessed to run the arma server first! thanks again!
  12. because im able to make cs servers but not arma 3 and I imported your xml
  13. should I restart the dedi or should I end task and restart the program?
  14. My tcadmin appears to be stuck at 1/1/1900 how do i fix this. I can not create working servers because this.
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