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  1. We waiting 6 year for contact Gamepire. it so long.
  2. I Tried e-mail, website form and even twitter DM, we gave up trying to contact them. Shame, cause we had a lot of requests for SCUM, someone can help ? Best Regards,
  3. I fix it. Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Latest https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe
  4. My killing floor 2 server config cannot start on windows server 2012 r2. how to fix it ? Relative Executable: Binaries\win64\KFServer.exe Relative Working Dir: Binaries\win64\ KF-BurningParis?AdminName=Admin?AdminPassword=$[RConPassword]?MaxPlayers=$[Service.Slots]?Difficulty=0 -Multihome=$[Service.IpAddress] -Port=$[Service.GamePort] -QueryPort=$[Service.QueryPort] -WebAdminPort=$[Service.CustomPort1] Best Regards.
  5. I need rust exprimantal last update 2019 server script. Who can give me. T^T Thank you for help. Best regards
  6. I need remove TCAdmin - Page generated in 0.117s in last patch -----------------------------------------it not working Code: span#ctl00_PanelInfo { visibility: hidden; } ----------------------------------------- Thank you
  7. I cant move user game service to new remote server My server Use Windows Server 2016 Log Details Extracting the file 45b33272.zip (951.62 MB) Illegal characters in path. How to fix it ? Best Regards
  8. I want remove TCAdmin - Page generated in 0.117s where code ? thank you
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