i have created custom variables like this one:
(X = means enabled / - = means disabled)
Variable Name: Xms
Default Value: 1024
X is numeric
X Preserve Value
- Max memory
View Order: 0
Note: Xms sets the minimum memory heap size.
"Variable Options i enabled"
X Command line parameter
- Don't add space after command line parameter
- Script parameter
- Save script parameter value
X Admin access
X Sub admin access
X Reseller access
- User access
X Server owner access
X Value is required
Required Message: Please set the minimum heap size (Xms)
Parent Variable: Xms
Parent Value: (empty)
Label: Minimum Memory Heap Size:
Description: Sets the minimum memory heap size.
Type: Number
Min Value: 1024
Max Value: 65535
Max Lenght: 0
Decimal Digits: 0
Decimal Separator: .
Group Separator: ,
Group Size: 3.00
Negative Pattern: -n
Postive Pattern: n
- Show spin buttons
X write all Decimals
Parameter Template: (Empty)
after this is done, i did go to configuration files, and then i added the "Configuration Editor" to the server.properties there i have added the default values like "hostname" etc. and my own Xms (and Xmx) values.
Item Type: Numeric textbox
Variable: Xms
X Value is required
Required Message: Please set the Maximum allowed heap size.
Parent Variable: (Empty)
Parent Value: (Empty)
Label: Xms:
Description: Minimum ram usage for Minecraft.
Type: Number
Min Value: 1,024
Max Value: 65,535
Max Length: 0
Decimal Digits: 0
Decimal Separator: .
Group Separator: ,
Group Size: 3.00
Negative Pattern: -n
Positive Pattern: n
- Show spin buttons
- Write all decimals
after this is saved you can create a Minecraft server with following setting options via configuration editor:
Server Name: MC Server
Level Name: world
Xmx: 4,096
Xms: 3,072
View Distance: 10
Max Connections: 3
Level Seed:
X Verify names
- Admin slot
- Hellworld
X Allow nether
X Spawn monsters
X Spawn animals
- Allow flight
- Whitelist
then it will a create a minecraft server and replace your variables with your settings, so my normal start parameter i have set in the minecraft config: -Xmx![Xmx]M -Xms![Xms]M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui does look like this when i do it with my custom variables:
./minecraft_server.sh -Xmx4096M -Xms3072M -jar minecraft_server.jar --nojline nogui
the server does run without issues, but because of this strange display of ram usage i can't build a check that does warn me if the server / customer uses to much power for a too long time.