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Everything posted by GazCBG

  1. Hi John, Glad it is sorted and thanks for letting us know what the fix was.
  2. Hi John, If you have tried to restart both, as follows cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor ./monitor-service restart ./serviceman-service restart If you still have the issue, I would recommend contacting TCAdmin support and ask them, if there any issues there end. As I am not sure what the error refers to you are getting. You can contact Support via: http://clients.tcadmin.com/ you may need to login.
  3. Hi John, I will try and check tomorrow and log everything from Putty, so you can see the output I am getting. I used Firefox, when setting mine up, I don't have a trial key so can't go any further then the screen where you put in the key. As for seeing if it really running give this a try Login to SSH Then do the following cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor ./monitor-service status ./serviceman-service status You could try the following cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor ./monitor-service restart ./serviceman-service restart Then try and continue with the install.
  4. Hi, I just setup a Vultr VPS for testing this, had some credit, see screenshot attached. I have also attached a text file, with all the commands I run in it, same as below. You may want to turn logging on in Putty to log all output to a file. Fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - 64bit Make sure Ubuntu 16.04 it full updated. apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt get dist-upgrade reboot Start install of TCAdmin v2 fully apt-get update cd /usr/src wget http://www.tcadmin.com/installer/tcadmin-2-bi.noarch.deb wget http://www.tcadmin.com/installer/mono-2.11.4-x86_64.deb wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/giflib/libgif4_4.1.6-11_amd64.deb wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tiff/libtiff4_3.9.5-2ubuntu1.9_amd64.deb apt-get -y install libpcap0.8 util-linux lsof apt-get -y install lib32stdc++6 apt-get -y install libjpeg8 libjpeg8-dev apt-get -y install fonts-dejavu-core ttf-bitstream-vera fonts-freefont-ttf gsfonts-x11 gsfonts xfonts-utils libfontenc1 libxfont1 x11-common xfonts-encodings fontconfig-config libfontconfig1 dpkg -i libgif4_4.1.6-11_amd64.deb dpkg -i libtiff4_3.9.5-2ubuntu1.9_amd64.deb dpkg -i mono-2.11.4-x86_64.deb /opt/mono-2.11.4/bin/mozroots --import --sync --quiet /opt/mono-2.11.4/bin/mono --aot -O=all /opt/mono-2.11.4/lib/mono/2.0/mscorlib.dll for i in /opt/mono-2.11.4/lib/mono/gac/*/*/*.dll; do /opt/mono-2.11.4/bin/mono --aot -O=all $i; done dpkg -i tcadmin-2-bi.noarch.deb TCAdmin full install.txt
  5. The install guide has been fully rewritten from top to bottom. I have also including a install file (does the same as doing it line by line, just easier). Hi John This was a typo and missed out a / It should be cp -r /opt/mono-2.11.4-back/ /opt/mono-2.11.4/
  6. This seems like it is a dependency issue, refering to libtiff4 Just checking over the instructions and it looks like I duplicated a setup In Step 4 try this: cd /usr/src wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/giflib/libgif4_4.1.6-11_amd64.deb wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tiff/libtiff4_3.9.5-2ubuntu1.9_amd64.deb dpkg -i libgif4_4.1.6-11_amd64.deb apt-get install libjpeg8 apt-get install libjpeg8-dev apt-get -f install dpkg -i libgif4_4.1.6-11_amd64.deb dpkg -i libtiff4_3.9.5-2ubuntu1.9_amd64.deb The differnet is the last command, should be: dpkg -i libtiff4_3.9.5-2ubuntu1.9_amd64.deb I have just brought up a VPS to test this, I will reply with more details.
  7. Hi, I am creating a config file and want to make sure I am doing it right. When it comes to the game config file itself, not the TCAdmin game config file <tc_game_config_files> <game_id>130</game_id> <file_id>1</file_id> <mod_id>0</mod_id> <relative_path>server.cnf</relative_path> <description>Main configuration file</description> <view_order>0</view_order> <template> </template> <enable_config_editor>0</enable_config_editor> <read_values>0</read_values> <hide_path>0</hide_path> <app_data /> </tc_game_config_files> Can I put in between the <template> </template> the following for example <abc> more info </abc> or would I need to use ascii code for < and > in the <template> </template> area?
  8. Hi, Do you run a software firewall on your gameserver(s)? Also what Ports do you open for Steam? Steam says the ports it need are: Steam Client UDP 27000 to 27015 inclusive (Game client traffic) UDP 27015 to 27030 inclusive (Typically Matchmaking and HLTV) TCP 27014 to 27050 inclusive (Steam downloads) UDP 27031 and 27036 (incoming, for In-Home Streaming) TCP 27036 and 27037 (incoming, for In-Home Streaming) UDP 4380 Dedicated or Listen Servers TCP 27015 (SRCDS Rcon port) Steamworks P2P Networking and Steam Voice Chat UDP 3478 (Outbound) UDP 4379 (Outbound) UDP 4380 (Outbound)
  9. Hi, I noticed on some Steam games, that Steam requires you to own it, to be able to install the server files. Now from a legal point of view, if I was to own said game and sell servers, would I require multiple licenses for said game, or can I run multiple servers from my one license, for other people?
  10. Hi, I have a game I would like to be able to install, via TCAdmin, however the Steam version is Windows only, but I have found the Linux server file, to run it. Now how do I get that to work, as I would like to be able to update from Steam, but also add the linux server file added. Do I create a download_game.sh file, like there are for some game and download the Steam files to /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/game/NAME/ Then upload the linux files to that folder and just install, the game as normal?
  11. Hi, I have just created a Just Cause 2 - Linux Server config file. I am using it on Ubuntu 16.04. Please find it attached. I started this all from an Ark Linux template, I would say thanks to the creator of that, but I am unsure which one it is, I downloaded. jc2mp - Linux.xml
  12. Hi, I am looking for the following game config file Just Cause 2 - Linux server Does anyone have one and could share it? I search the Game Config Files forum and didn't find one, other then a install guide to manually do it.
  13. Thanks for the reply Wirs and all the help you have given me, on the forum
  14. Hi, Is anyone getting the server can't respond in TCAdmin? I am using a Linux config I found on the forum and it send me the emails saying the server can't respond. However I am able to connect to it and I added the IP to my steam server favorites and it all ok it appears? Also is now appearing on the unofficial server list in the game and on the Steam server list. Also does anyone know a fix for change the hostname and getting it to stick, I setup a server, and then went into the .ini file to change the hostname and on restart it defaults back, any ideas?
  15. Now that a good question, I don't have an answer for. So to run a Windows server running on mono I presume it run the same way as with Wine, but use Mono instead I presume to run with mono it the same as wine for example /path/to/mono /path/to/game/server.exe Is that right?
  16. Hi, If I setup Wine on my Linux server, and install gameserves using the Windows config, will it run the game server ok, under wine? Till I can create Linux configs for the games.
  17. Hi, What is the best way to create game configs, mainly for Linux. Do I install the game manually then, create the config, on how it was run, or do I need to note down, how it was installed etc...? Is it possible to convert Windows version to Linux? Also I can I create game configs, in TCAdmin and then export them? Finally is it only the .xml file need, that needs to be created, with everything in it? Thanks
  18. Hi, I would like to add Google reCaptcha to the login form, how would I do this as I am unable to find the right file, to edit. I can't seem to find a template for the login form.
  19. Hi, Ok I have got it installed on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS using the TCAdmin mono version and it works. Thanks has to also go to @DennisMidjord for his guide (Link) Wasn't as straight forwards as what it could be, I will not bore you and get straight to it *** This has been updated 26th July *** I have updated the install guide, I have also create a install file for mono. To install mono using the install file, just do: wget http://bits.gazcbg.com/tcadmin_install.sh sh install.sh To do it line by line 1. Run a quick update apt-get update 2. Download required files cd /usr/src wget http://www.tcadmin.com/installer/mono-2.11.4-x86_64.deb wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/giflib/libgif4_4.1.6-11_amd64.deb wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tiff/libtiff4_3.9.5-2ubuntu1.9_amd64.deb 3. Install dependency apt-get -y install libjpeg8 libjpeg8-dev apt-get -y install fonts-dejavu-core ttf-bitstream-vera fonts-freefont-ttf gsfonts-x11 gsfonts xfonts-utils libfontenc1 libxfont1 x11-common xfonts-encodings fontconfig-config libfontconfig1 dpkg -i libgif4_4.1.6-11_amd64.deb dpkg -i libtiff4_3.9.5-2ubuntu1.9_amd64.deb 4. Install Mono dpkg -i mono-2.11.4-x86_64.deb /opt/mono-2.11.4/bin/mozroots --import --sync --quiet /opt/mono-2.11.4/bin/mono --aot -O=all /opt/mono-2.11.4/lib/mono/2.0/mscorlib.dll for i in /opt/mono-2.11.4/lib/mono/gac/*/*/*.dll; do /opt/mono-2.11.4/bin/mono --aot -O=all $i; done Mono should now be installed. Notes Added more dependency. Removed the below, when installing Mono, as I didn't need this. I have left it in the install file but commented out, just incase. cp -r /opt/mono-2.11.4/ /opt/mono-2.11.4-back/ apt-get insall -f cp -r /opt/mono-2.11.4-back/ /opt/mono-2.11.4/
  20. Hi, How do I install TCAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - 64 Bit. I am having issues with installing mono, at the moment. I have tried the TCAdmin version and it didn't work.
  21. Hi, I want to get the server ready for when I order the remtoe server license, so I can just install it. Now I have read, you need the same setup, but you pick remote in the browser instead of master. So based on that do I need MySQL running for the remote server, or does it run from the Master MySQL server? Just so I know if I need to install it.
  22. Hi, I have installed TCAdmin on Ubuntu 15.10 and noticed some errors, at the end of the install. It doesn;t affect the working of it. # Completed on Sun Jan 31 14:53:02 2016 insserv: warning: script 'monitor-service' missing LSB tags and overrides The TCAdmin Monitor service has been installed successfully insserv: warning: script 'K01monitor-service' missing LSB tags and overrides insserv: warning: script 'serviceman-service' missing LSB tags and overrides insserv: warning: script 'monitor-service' missing LSB tags and overrides The TCAdmin Service Manager service has been installed successfully The TCAdmin Monitor has been started The TCAdmin Service Manager has been started I have also noticed that service monitor-service start/stop/status doesn't work and return: ***9679; monitor-service.service Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory) Active: inactive (dead) I am looking into both issues, as the monitor-services does work if called in either the Monitor folder or /etc/init.d folder, which is a symlink. I will report my findings once I have looked into it.
  23. Hi, Just been reading the docs about Nginx and SSL and have a question about it. In the docs it gave a config for Nginx, for the Control Panel and it is recommended to run Nginx if you want to have SSL. In the config for Nginx can a domain be added (by using: server_name), so you go to xyz.com or what ever for the control panel? The reason for the domain question is, when I have ordered SSL certificates in the past they require it. Docs Link: http://help.tcadmin.com/Configure_the_TCAdmin_website_to_run_with_Nginx
  24. Hi, I would like to see the following: Limit login attempts: X amount of attempts and blocked for XX minutes, like forums do. Captcha: How about Recaptcha link below, the one where you tick the box, you need a set of keys a public and private one, through the site. Link: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/index.html This could most likely all be done on a custom login form, which I know we can crerte, by looking at the docs.
  25. Hi, Didn't want to start another topic, so sorry if this is a bit off topic. Do all Steam games now need Server Tokens? If I have from reading above it down to the customer/user of the gameserver to create there own token, is that correct? So by right there no way a provider, would creater a code for them, as I presume it is so they can say if XYZ is banned for whatever reason they can't run a server on that account? Thanks
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