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  1. XenForo doesn't have to mean paid plugins, you can run a free store with donations. It just acts as a good central location, along with forum for users to share and contribute without having to navigate to GH.
  2. XenForo seems to be a good solution, both in terms of forum software and a marketplace - allowing both free and paid configs.
  3. Hey BRIT, what happened to your mega thread? DnL is playing up again for my server
  4. Make sure that the query port is the same as the connection and that the DLL's are downloaded along with the steam_appid.txt in the right place and the vsc's
  5. Does anyone have Dark and Light, or can they create one for $?
  6. Thanks for the update! Since the previous update (not the most recent) I've had issues where the file path in Windows is too long, is it possible to implement a way of dealing with this?
  7. Does anyone know if SW are working on the SteamCMD Mod installs? Haven't been able to find a mention of it
  8. It'd be useful if we could export reports directly from TCA, and also filter by status.
  9. Works fine for me.
  10. Hi there, I'm curious to how others have set up TCAdmin and how it works for you. I have got my Master running on a dual core VM with its MySQL database running on the same machine based in a central geographic location, and all remotes connect directly to that MySQL database but the panel can only be accessed through the main Master server. I've experienced issues where TCA locks up if multiple users are running things such as Mod installs, server reinstalls etc. It'd be good to hear some TCA best practices and optimal setups from @LFA and the community!
  11. We had SSL issues and were directed to change the secure port on the remotes to 0, this worked. You'll need to download the new config files to the remotes.
  12. Does anyone know how to have cross-cluster Ark work with this?
  13. Yes, I did that and added it as a custom MapModID to the commandline and did a Steam Update - no dice.
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