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Everything posted by AugustoArpex

  1. Hey guys, I have a problem with my nginx. Several times while I am browsing the tcadmin page, nginx presents me with an error "502 Bad Gateway". I took a look at the error logs of nginx and it appeared to me. Can someone help me ?
  2. Hi guys. I'm trying to make the creation of the MTA server more automated, and that created a problem that I can't solve. I am using UFW Firewall, and on the MTA server, it has a specific rule in selecting the port to be released so that players can find the server in the search list in the game. The rule is: So a simple rule like releasing the server port in a UFW command is easy. But adding one number to another, I didn't understand how to do it. My port release command is sudo ufw allow ${ThisService_GamePort} Can someone help me?
  3. I was able to solve the problem. I put the files inside the tcadmin repository.
  4. Hi, I have a problem when I create a server. My MTA configuration is default as it came from TcA. But I have a problem that the configuration does not process the part of putting the resources files in the folder. Post Download Script: #!/bin/bash cd ${FilesFolderFullName}/mods/deathmatch wget https://linux.mtasa.com/dl/baseconfig.tar.gz tar xzvf baseconfig.tar.gz mv baseconfig/* . rm -fr baseconfig rm -f baseconfig.tar.gz mkdir resources cd resources wget http://mirror.mtasa.com/mtasa/resources/mtasa-resources-latest.zip unzip mtasa-resources-latest.zip rm -f mtasa-resources-latest.zip
  5. Ainda n?o. Mas assim que eu tiver eu coloco aqui.
  6. Catch customer use when any operator is making any changes. For example, in a button on the actions tab. You end up eliminating some problem that may occur to the customer trying to make some change with you.
  7. Could someone help me mount a cfg to the Conan Exiles server?
  8. I'm not able to just release the port through csf. I'll pass the code to ufw. In addition to being much simpler.
  9. Sorry, I think it must be Google Translate. The idea of CloudFlare is to release the service IP with DNS using A and SRV entries. In the case when someone uses TCADMIN's default settings to resolve the IPs by DNS, a part of some attacks are using that DNS when they are not connected to CloudFlare affects a part of the hosting connections hosting the DNS.
  10. In fact only the option for the TCA to add the DNS defaults correctly automatically within the CloudFlare. Of course, when the service is closed, it excludes the entry.
  11. Integration works for each new open service. Adding DNS properly within CloudFlare. I think this is important because cloudflare is a super tool for blocking DdoS attacks. I use it on other services outside tcadmin, and the percentage of attacks has decreased a lot.
  12. I tried doing this procedure but when I put the variable ${ThisService_GamePort} does not work. Maybe I'm giving this error because I'm trying to run it by the system shell itself? Not using the tcadmin panel. And how can I test this command? Would I have to create a new service to see the behavior of the script?
  13. Hello, I'm trying to set up an automatic firewall on my server. Of the type that when a new server activates, it runs a script to release the port using the csf firewall or ufw. But I could not perform the operation. In theory, the shell script should pick up the service port and store it in a variable for use later. Only by putting the variable ${ThisService_GamePort} does not work. Could anyone help?
  14. Hi, I need help understanding how I can change the pages. I've seen that in theory I can use HTML in the themes part and change it over there. But nothing I do is changed. I wanted to know how to use the variables within this edition.
  15. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12714
  16. I have seen that when translating the TCA menus there is a way to translate the settings initializer. From those menus when you will set up a new server. Why not start putting the translations of the community and put this in the new versions so that these translations are useful ?
  17. Ola, Ja que decidi trocar de painel para o TCAdmin, estou disposto a traduzir o painel todo para PT-BR. Nao tenho tanto tempo para isso, mais aos poucos vou liberando novos updates. Para atualizar voces vao ate as configuracoes, languages e cliquem em "Import". O forum do TCA nao permite acentuacao. Ultimo Update 18/01/2018 pt-BR.xml
  18. I'm looking for the preset. Estou procurando o preset.
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