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JackRalph96 last won the day on December 13 2021

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  1. Since they have since removed the Beta Patch i have fixed my previous posted version and updated the java commandlines. As stated above this only works on winserv 2019 with latest versions of java. I've not checked but this may be almost identical to jungle's Config. The batch files are setup to install all user files within their own userfolder instead of the appdata should work without issues as intended. PZ - Windows.xml
  2. Nvm done it myself Here for everyone else to use PZB - Windows.xml
  3. Just to add to my above comment. It seems newly created databases are infact working fine for the global commands like deleting and changing password. still won't auto login however. Just some older ones db's refuse to be deleted or managed . Any way i can manually remove these from TCAdmin? Kind Regards Jack Ralph
  4. Hi, Can i get some assistance with this module. I've been running it no issues for a while now creating db work perfectly fine using the Root account and phpmyadmin links fine on your control panel, However the login buttons do not work at all and it responds with errors like mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'Admin_87'@'localhost' (using password: NO) for any database that anyone tries to access on the manager. I also can't use any of the delete database functions either? Can you explain what might be causing this? Even if I reset the password of the database to be the same as the one on the manager via the root account this still doesn't work. please let me know if you can assist or if there is somewhere we can talk. Kind Regards Jack Ralph Zenithservers.co.uk
  5. Hi there, I have a few queries regarding this module. So we already have a few 100 mysql databases already using the old system provided by luis to create mysql databases on phpmyadmin. (https://help.tcadmin.com/Automatically_Create_a_MySQL_Database) is there any way as an admin to sync these with your module? Or do i slowly have to phase this out as customers slowly join and leave. Kind Regards Jack Ralph Zenithservers.co.uk
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