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Everything posted by Magesw

  1. I have always just used -automanagemods in the command line with the mods listed in gameusersettings.ini and other then very large mods needing a couple restarts to fully download never had an issue with it. I did the opposite of you, I went from TCAdmin to ASM and I found ASM lacking, easier to setup yes but lacking in features that I missed from TCAdmin.
  2. The one I posted works, only thing you need to change is the SteamCMD info and download the .dll files needed to add to the folder that the exe is in.
  3. These are my working files for Dark and Light, you will either need to download the proper .dll's or run Steam client on the system for the server to be seen in game. dnl - Windows.xml
  4. Let me know how that works out, right now I am working on using a batch file to try and get it shutdown safely.
  5. Anyone have an updated file for this?
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