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Everything posted by BRIT

  1. Your welcome. I will have it up with the hour for you mate. Linux & Windows. EDIT: After testing Synergy it's only stable on Windows, Linux server has soooooooo many bugs it's not worth spending days working them out and i mean it will take days to get working......
  2. Install CSF and use the firewall redirect and put this into the file and it will folward just TCAdmin to port 80 IP.ADDRESS|80|*|8880|tcp
  3. That config is not configured..... i will make one and upload it to my list of configs today for you.
  4. Just install mysql, create a user and DB and use the "Tools" option in the settings of TCAdmin to convert from sqlite. Please do not use xampp or any other software like that because you will have an issues with slow communication from TCAdmin to your Database and your master panel will be super slow.
  5. Centos 6 64bit is not fully supported by all games as most of the repository's you need are not available on Cent 6. Install centos 7 and you will be fine but change cent 7 to IPTables as the system it uses is shit.... oh also install CSF so you can manage the ports better. PS: if you want i can set you up it only takes 30 mins or so just let me know.
  6. Send it to me and i will update the config for you to a working version.
  7. Use mine, i have it updated to a few days ago! http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12617
  8. Hi, Has any one got a backup script that i can add to a custom icon and it backs up a directory you specify to a FTP server?
  9. Yea you need to make changes to the config, i will do that now and upload a new one in a mo.
  10. This is my first file and DnL has updated since so once i get GitHub sorted the working version will be on there but i am not very well so updates will be a bit slow.
  11. Checkout my new thread i am making, i did do an update last night but i will test everything now and add my changes & updated file to this one and use this one for everything now. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12617
  12. Nope, i use windows 2016 for my win servers and some show and some don't but just check in task manager and see if the process is ruining and you can click to go to the file location to make sure it's the right service.
  13. This is a normal issue with DnL and i have not found a fix for it but i does not need to be fixed for the server to run. I will work on the update today and upload to my new post.
  14. Update soon for both Use this post for config file. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12617
  15. I will upload two new versions for CFwF in a few hours
  16. I have looked into the issue and the Windows Config binds to all IP's but the Linux version does not, i will see if i can find a workaround for this.
  17. I will add support for that now and release an update.
  18. Finished & Uploaded to first post.
  19. All working with Query, just doing Variables.
  20. I have a big update for DnL coming! give me an hour or so.
  21. Alpha 16.2 Updated with minor fixes! Hi, I have looked into your issue and you have missing files, just run the TCAdmin game update to retrieve the missing files.
  22. I will upload an update soon mate and provide changes, just bare with me.
  23. There is an update that fixes the config files that i will upload tonight or tomorrow.
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