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Everything posted by tweeknuts

  1. Awesome script! This works great. I had one question on this. So I'm looking to organize a little more and relocate the zip to a different drive. I got it working going to another drive and all but I'm stuck on the Path.Combine section in what I'm trying to do. Below I made a variable called "HDrive" and the where that variable is pointing. This entire thing works here below. ThisService.Variables["HDrive"] = "H:\TCADMINBackups\Users" BACKUP_LOCATION = Path.Combine(ThisService.Variables["HDrive"], ) Now what I'm trying to do is organize it by user and serviceid. This is what I tried doing but it seems that when I use the code below the first variable works but then the rest just makes folders names called TheService.UserId and the ServiceId one ThisService.Variables["HDrive"] = "H:\TCADMINBackups\Users" BACKUP_LOCATION = Path.Combine(ThisService.Variables["HDrive"], ThisService.UserId, ThisService.ServiceId) I tried putting them in quotes and parenthesis also but I'm sure it just comes down to me not knowing coding much. Is there more to this that I have to do to maybe make that work? I was looking for an output like this: H:\TCADMINBackups\Users\<UserId>\<ServiceId>\<date:time>.zip . Thanks for any help :).
  2. Not sure if it's a bug or not but when people run a script through a button "steam update", etc and it pops up the command prompt it runs fine but if they refreshed the page it will rerun that script again. Maybe at least a popup stating the script is finished and when you click on it goes back to the main service page or we go back to the command prompt popout window. Unless you want us to do it instead with the fancy new system
  3. With the first one you can already do that. Go into the server settings of each service and turn the startup to manual or disabled
  4. When creating a Global Game Script if i cancel out of the script it gives me a no page error. It looks like the cancel button is trying to go to %URL%/Game/Scripts instead of %URL%/Game/GlobalGameScripts.
  5. 1. Players status bar doesn't seem to update. If you refresh the entire page then it will typically update. 2. When you manually delete a service it will do it correctly but you do get a false error saying the service doesn't exist instead of just saying complete. https://gyazo.com/10da45ef41c4099f691644a2dc6a267a I haven't dug much deeper yet so that's all I have. All in all I'm lovin this so far.
  6. 1. Players status bar doesn't seem to update. If you refresh the entire page then it will typically update. 2. When you manually delete a service it will do it correctly but you do get a false error saying the service doesn't exist instead of just saying complete. I haven't dug much deeper yet so that's all I have. All in all I'm lovin this so far.
  7. I grabbed Project Zomboid xml file from the forum but wasn't very TCADMIN friendly. So I fixed it up a bit and now have it working great . It was creating batch files and using the batch file as an executable instead of just running the .exe.
  8. @setlocal enableextensions @cd /d "%~dp0" SET PZ_CLASSPATH=java/jinput.jar;java/lwjgl.jar;java/lwjgl_util.jar;java/sqlite-jdbc-;java/uncommons-maths-1.2.3.jar;java/ ".\jre64\bin\java.exe" -Dzomboid.steam=1 -Dzomboid.znetlog=1 -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -Djava.library.path=natives/;. -cp %PZ_CLASSPATH% zombie.network.GameServer Looks like it uses Java.exe. I'll place that in the executable field and put the rest of that line in the command line plus the custom stuff I add to it. Hopefully I dont need the very top stuff which was what I was worried about.
  9. So I'm stumped on how I want to do this. I'm trying to run a Project Zomboid server and not sure how I want to do this through the firewal. It seems like it needs to run a batch file before it goes to the .exe to grab some necessary info. Well then that makes the batch file the executable that TCADMIN 2 will be looking at. With that being the case it will open up the ports to the batch file and not the .exe that opens up after it. Is there a way to tell TCADMIN 2 to point to the .exe also when it automatically opens ports? Thanks!
  10. I found out it was Windows 2012 causing it. I went back to 2008 and haven't had a problem since. Not sure what was so different between the two though.
  11. I really don't understand what the heck is going on. I have ARK running and it's taking all of my configs just fine. But it's very spotty when it wants to pop up on the steam server list or Ark. I don't really seem to have an issue with that if I host a server not through tcadmin though. I even turned off my firewall just to test. It's driving me crazy. Last night I had my server on the ARK unofficials list.. wake up in the morning and it's f***in gone. Nothing was touched. Does anybody see anything wrong with this? "![Map]?SessionName=$[HostName]?Port=$[service.GamePort]?QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots]?MultiHome=$[service.IpAddress]?ServerPassword=$[PrivatePassword]?ServerAdminPassword=$[RConPassword]?listen" -UseBattlEye" I seen some people on Linux configs putting QueryPort=$[service.GamePort]. That doesn't even make sense to me, haha.
  12. When you create a variable with the combobox item type is there a way to reorder the list inside of the custom list? Or do you need to basically start over every time you have to update it and want to keep it in alphabetical order? Thanks!
  13. I have the game working now but the second instance likes to crash. I found out it's because the .exe file and possibly even a couple other folders needs to be renamed (ex. 7DaysToDieServer.exe for one.. second server 7DaysToDieServer2.exe) Is there a way for tcadmin to be able to do that on the fly or are we going to have to do that manually?
  14. Running on Windows Server 2012 and TCA 2 so I can utilize both windows and linux if need be. I might stick with windows. Yeah I definitely want to learn how everything works. I learn pretty quick but definitely not a coder by any means. I'm not too worried about custom commands as long as I know where they need to be, haha.
  15. Hello. We you able to find a fix for this? I tried a few different things but didn't seem to work. I can on the windows services side the server starting and then after 10 seconds it restarts itself again. Must be a config issue. I know 7 Days To Die is super picky even when I hosted it just as is a while back. Thanks!
  16. I have two dedicated servers out in the world. I have a master and a remote. Maybe that's the cause. I've tried 3 different configs for 3 different games and all the same result. I was thinking that maybe I messed up and forgot to change a setting in a config somewhere but I'm not seeing it. But yeah, the stock config files work perfectly with no issues. I wish there was a video of someone actually building a config out there so we can see what we need to look for and where things may need to be altered within TCAdmin. When you search for TCAdmin game config stuff in video form it's mostly someone who's a company that uses TCAdmin just showing customers how to install a mod that's already in the mod list, haha.
  17. Maybe I'm just a moron. I'm super new to TCAdmin and wanted to try out some of these configs. I didn't seem to have a problem loading up the stock servers that came with TCAdmin. Was pretty easy. But when I import some of the work this super generous people upload to us it seems to run the server fine but I can never connect to them on the client side. I even killed all of the firewalls too to make sure it wasn't a port blocking issue. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. It's probably something stupid that I'm not seeing. If I could get some incite I'd gratefully appreciate it! Thank you!
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