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Everything posted by IGH

  1. Would be helpful if stuff like this was emailed out to us or put in patch notes.
  2. I have sent in a ticket about this, but wanted to let others know. We had an issue earlier where the service manager for a few of our remotes was deleted. The service was deleted and servicemanager.exe. it turns out Windows Defender flagged it is a Trojan and removed it. Make sure you have whitelisted the TCAdmin folder from Windows Defender.
  3. We have been having similar issues for 2 months now, since the update that came out beginning of May. We'll give this a try.
  4. TCAdmin should support Battlemetrics instead: https://www.battlemetrics.com/banners Gametracker is owned by Choopa, who own gameservers.com. You are essentially indirectly supporting a non-tcadmin host!
  5. The changes to the configuration file are in the Alpha 16 patch notes...
  6. Are you hosting the control panel on Windows? If it's always happening around the same time, it could be Windows Update. Unlikely, but worth checking. P.S. if you're going to omit your MySQL server IP, you might also want to omit the hostname.
  7. It's very straight forward, five minute job. Nothing special. I would share but I've made a lot of customization.
  8. Don't worry I worked it out! It shows 0/0 players when no world is loaded.
  9. I seem to be getting the 0/0 players error, restarting does not help. Was there anything else you did?
  10. Any ideas for the query protocol?
  11. The game appears to be creating a new serverconfig.xml either when the game is update/verified via steamcmd or when the server starts for the first time. It overwrites the templated serverconfig.xml created by TCAdmin.
  12. Is that definate though? I have heard so many different versions. Such as 0, 1 = EU, 2 = America etc. Is there any official documentation?
  13. Good point, if only I knew what the serverRegion options are?
  14. Does anyone get an issue where servers do not show up straight away in-game? The only way to join them is via the Steam server browser?
  15. That is what I used but it appears to be out-dated.
  16. Has anyone got this working? I am struggling to get the commandline working, I have this so far: "ConanSandbox?Multihome=$[service.IpAddress]?GameServerPort=$[service.GamePort]?GameServerQueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?ServerName=$[HostName]?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots]?listen?AdminPassword=$[RConPassword]" -nosteamclient -game -server -log However, the servername and max players are not being set.
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