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Everything posted by Asheimav

  1. With the standard configuration of TCAdmin Panel there is some XML files for Minecraft already. I tried to use Minecraft (Linux) version and Craftbukkit (Linux) version. When I applied the update with the new "Mods" like Spigot 1.8.8 and Spigot 1.11.2 it wouldn't work. Everytime I tried it is just getting Error or StartError when I start the services, like it couldn't find the relative path or something to the .jar file in tcadmin/tcafiles/games. I would like if someone could help me figure this out, so that I can transfer my Minecraft Server into the controlpanel, thanks in advance! Best Regards, Mathias C. / Asheimav
  2. Hi there! I was wondering if anyone in here could share the XML files for the Spigot version of Minecraft, so I can upload it to my TCAdmin. Hopefully someone will help me and thanks in advance! Best Regards, Mathias C. / Asheimav
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