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Gotteshand last won the day on February 22 2024

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  1. Yes ka. It always crashes for me with this error message If I start it outside of TCAdmin with a startbat, it works, so TCADmin seems to be blocking something here The server is then also online and you can play on it
  2. Hi Yes I have to see if this finally works with a config and not everything in the commandline A cluster system has also been added Dedicated_Server-_single_custome_server_guide02202024.docx Dedicated_Server-Cluster_Servers_Guide02202024.docx
  3. So somehow I'm playing dumb here ^^ He does a restart and then he wants to do it again only 24 hours later
  4. Hi. Any idea why this is not working? It's a bit unfavorable, because Ark Asa is constantly updating at night and the system doesn't perform these updates Thank you very much
  5. Hi I have a problem, no matter what I set, it does not repeat the check every 15 minutes but only every 24 hours
  6. Hi. Sorry, I had uploaded the wrong file. It is now fixed and it is no longer NOS
  7. Hi. Thanks for the hint, but as far as I know, there is only the possibility to perform an update, so also a restart of the server. I just want TCAdmin to check if there is an update, if so then it should perform it. Or am I perhaps missing a script?
  8. Good morning Would it be possible to extend TCAdmin with a plugin that automatically performs a Steam update? It is very inconvenient when a game receives an update at 3:00 a.m. and the server is not available and I have to start the updates manually every time. Does something like this already exist? I mean that as soon as Steam provides an update for a game, the server automatically carries it out
  9. View File Astro Colony About This File The start to a basic working Config Installation Installation can be done from TCAdmin > System > Settings > Global Configuration > Plugin Repo. Alternatively, you can install the config manually by following the steps below. Download the config Go to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Voice Hosting > Game & Other Voice Servers > Import Save the config as a new Config or chose "Overwrite existing config" if you which to overwrite your current Config. Known issues The server password bugs None to my knowledge Submitter Gotteshand Submitted 10/25/2023 Category Game Configs  
  10. I was able to solve the problem myself.
  11. Hello together. When I want to move my Arma 3 server from one root to another, the upload always stops. The file is about 9 GB in size. The last error message reads: An existing connection was closed by the remote host Does anyone have a tip? I have been able to move 2 other servers successfully, but they seemed to be smaller
  12. Hi. Thank you very much. Just read the patch notes, helped Thanks again for the tip
  13. Good evening I have a problem. I have deleted an old config under Games & Voice Server. Since then I get an error message when I want to display details of a game cfg under the plugin repositiy. As soon as I click on details I get the following error message: Here is the log from the web interface: D:\TCAdmin2\Logs\Web Does anyone have an idea? The problem occurs only since deleting a Game CFG and only under Plugin Repositiy.
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