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Everything posted by Sinestro

  1. That is pretty normal atm. We are officially hosting a couple of servers for ZeroGravity. The players connected bar just wont show atm. It has to do with the way they coded the game. Once you think you have it booted, go look in the game for the service you have started. Only way we have been able to test and see if the servers are working correctly. We currently hold active servers at 14% CPU and 1 or 2% ram used. Hope this helps.
  2. The config is set up every way their support page says so. Our Dallas server works swimmingly. Just something to do with our French server not wanting to be seen in the game. The game runs. Just refuses to show in list. Sorry for delays in responses. My job outside of server hosting is rather time demanding.
  3. Hello there everyone. I was wondering if anyone was able to get a Forged With Fire server working. I have gotten the server to show it's running with slots but can't find it in the in-game Server list. So I'm not sure if it's the files, or if I am missing something here. Any ideas?
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