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Everything posted by terrorman

  1. Hi, import game config.zip have problem. Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.
  2. System.Web.HttpException The file '/Aspx/Interface/TCAdminFtp/UserControls/ServerDetailsSftp.ascx' does not exist. Description: HTTP 500.Error processing request who can help?
  3. terrorman

    Install error

    Thanks Dannis I have open ticket already.
  4. terrorman

    Install error

    Can you help me install 2.0.119 ? I need maybe older mono version...
  5. terrorman

    Install error

    I want install older version couse i have slow server and better work then new version.
  6. terrorman

    Install error

    wget https://downloads.tcadmin.net/installer/tcadmin-2-bi.noarch.rpm;yum -y install tcadmin-2-bi.noarch.rpm --nogpgcheck also i try /home/tcadmin/Monitor/updatetool 2.0.119 and panel now no work Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type of field 'TCAdminMonitor.ӥ:_ה' (1) due to: Could not resolve type with token 0100001f from typeref (expected class 'TCAdmin.MonitorLib.Ճ' in assembly 'TCAdmin.MonitorLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339') assembly:TCAdmin.MonitorLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 type:TCAdmin.MonitorLib.Ճ member:(null) [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type of field 'TCAdminMonitor.ӥ:_ה' (1) due to: Could not resolve type with token 0100001f from typeref (expected class 'TCAdmin.MonitorLib.Ճ' in assembly 'TCAdmin.MonitorLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339') assembly:TCAdmin.MonitorLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=336a280da999c339 type:TCAdmin.MonitorLib.Ճ member:(null)
  7. terrorman

    Install error

    Hello I get error when i try install tcadmin on centos 7: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile No package tcadmin-2-bi.noarch.rpm available.
  8. Hi If you have centos 64 bits install this: yum install mailx postfix curl wget bzip2 gzip unzip python binutils bc jq tmux glibc.i686 libstdc++ libstdc++.i686 for 32 bit install this: yum install mailx postfix curl wget bzip2 gzip unzip python binutils bc jq tmux libstdc++
  9. Hello who can explain me wher i need put BillingApiExamples folder for full work api with tcadmin v2 and whmcs? http://myip:8880/billingapi.aspx Visit http://help.tcadmin.com for help What is problem here? Thanks for any help!
  10. i want edit for clients,also i want change completly on pure ftp...
  11. Hello Maybe is possible edit sftp on tcadmin? Allow file listing and etc... Thanks
  12. I want change duplicated ip in url. If sou remember what you login on ftp in browser you will see ip _ port and / ip : port Can i change just on ip : port ?
  13. Hello Who can tell me how i can edit ftp seting in panel? I have runned cod4 server and now i cant upload pictures to sc viewer bcs My location is ip_port/ip:port Can i change online for ip:port? What ftp use tcadmin? Can i change settings? Sorry for my bad english
  14. hi When i try download i get errror: An error occured while creating the task. What is problem? Thanks for help!
  15. Hi i get error: An error occured while creating the task
  16. Hi Can i install on my linux tcadmin mabye?
  17. I know for files but i need Battalion - linux config for tcadmin to import to my game files.
  18. Hello Maybe you have battalion config files for linux? Where we can download? Thanks
  19. How we can strict or unristrict files from panel?
  20. I use tcadmin v2 linux,can you help me please?
  21. Hi Can you tell me how i can run on linux ubuntu 14.04 ?
  22. Hello, How i can set user permission on tcadmin 2 linux server? I want add .so file extension and filemanager for users... Now my user cant see files in file manager! Who can help me ? Thanks
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