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  1. Yes the panel is with the latest version (20.77.0)
  2. Mass mail is not working Im stuck at this
  3. To me it is the same solution? Regards
  4. Hello, I have a problem of not TCAdmin but a configuration problem in the game and I think I can help. A server CS: GO is as casual, with the maximum of rounds is 15 at the end of these 15 rounds a menu appears on the left side of the vote that is certain is that we choose the next map and then he puts this map but picked up back on the map that was playing. Any suggestion?
  5. There is no 3 in ranked?
  6. Help cfg battlefield 3 no rankend
  7. tGames

    ExoGames Panel

    Can provide the theme?
  8. Confirm the picture is exactly what I have and it works well. Command Line
  9. Hello, I managed to solve the problem. Here is the command line csgo srcds-game-console-condebug-usercon game_type + 0 + 1-game_mode maxplayers_override 11 + exec server.cfg-ip 37060 + 47060 + tv_port host_workshop_collection 125 499 818 125 499 116 + workshop_start_map-authkey B6E4FC383F04B47D6A360667357D2E7A You must have your own authkey, but will give errors. Note that you have to open port 80 on the firewall if you have to.
  10. but someone who has tcadmin use this to work with workshop
  11. help me -- http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=10859
  12. Hello, I am not able to put the workshop on servers, Currently command line is srcds -game csgo -console -condebug -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 -maxplayers_override $[service.Slots] +exec server.cfg +mapgroup mg_tuganetgames_all +map de_dust -ip $[service.IpAddress] -port $[service.GamePort] +tv_port $[service.CustomPort1] I've tried srcds -game csgo -console -condebug -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 -maxplayers_override $[service.Slots] +exec server.cfg -ip $[service.IpAddress] -port $[service.GamePort] +tv_port $[service.CustomPort1] +host_workshop_collection 125499818 +workshop_start_map 125488374 -authkey 3AA4BF78F062E7E1CC8AD5B4F21441C2 and still does not work. I put the maps "is" to the folder maps and even then it gives me the following error Downloading maps/de_dust2_Se.bsp. Error downloading maps/de_dust2_Se.bsp Downloading maps/de_dust2_Se.nav. Download finished! No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0 Missing map maps \ de_dust2_Se.bsp, disconnecting Host_Error: Disconnected Unknown command "joingame" Any suggestions?
  13. Hello, I'm not running any plugin unless the configuration of ESL (is attached) The server is updated with all the files. esl5on5.cfg.txt
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