I am not able to put the workshop on servers,
Currently command line is
srcds -game csgo -console -condebug -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 -maxplayers_override $[service.Slots] +exec server.cfg +mapgroup mg_tuganetgames_all +map de_dust -ip $[service.IpAddress] -port $[service.GamePort] +tv_port $[service.CustomPort1]
I've tried
srcds -game csgo -console -condebug -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 -maxplayers_override $[service.Slots] +exec server.cfg -ip $[service.IpAddress] -port $[service.GamePort] +tv_port $[service.CustomPort1] +host_workshop_collection 125499818 +workshop_start_map 125488374 -authkey 3AA4BF78F062E7E1CC8AD5B4F21441C2
and still does not work.
I put the maps "is" to the folder maps and even then it gives me the following error
Downloading maps/de_dust2_Se.bsp.
Error downloading maps/de_dust2_Se.bsp
Downloading maps/de_dust2_Se.nav.
Download finished!
No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
Missing map maps \ de_dust2_Se.bsp, disconnecting
Host_Error: Disconnected
Unknown command "joingame"
Any suggestions?