Sharing a Medieval Engineers
Config is not 100% complete but works well
Edits to it can be done an maybe forwarded back in the thread? its WIP but works
HYPE for the SHARE! Medieval Engineers - Windows.xml
Forgot to upload it
You can add the Game Mode and MapCycle Variables for yourself if needed.
Its pretty much bare bone but works Insurgencyss - Windows.xml
Also for those that are struggling to get this config working with the new update just change the "294420 -beta alpha17.2" to "294420 -beta alpha17.3" in the steam settings by game name/ app id
I hope this proves useful
Any one experiencing port binding issue on a port that is not even allocated to the game server?
The game runs, populates in the game browser, but cannot query it in the steam server browser.
How do we solve the IP issue? should i be allocated to primary IP ?
I need some enlightenment and maybe a few pills since this is giving me a slight headache
Thanks for the share @jungleNZ
I havent had the time to test it out, but will definitely add on to it once I have the time to get it 101% working and repost it here
This would be something perfect to add to the collection. GSLT is required for DST, I was working on one, but abandoned it since its highly unpopular in my region, i could share it.. if i can find it
I have an unfinished but working Insurgency Sandstorm config, if anyone is willing to collaborate with me regarding it, it would be greatly appreciated, and when its done we can hit the community up with it ;-)
Thank you for the share
I am currently having an IP binding problem with it and for some reason I cannot find a solution.
Also another thing, server hangs on Autosave world (but that is probably because the IP problem
Let me know if you encountered this , if yes , what was the fix ?