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Everything posted by POG

  1. i just get this error Task: Download miscreated - Linux [ New Window ] [ Info ] Error - No process is associated with this object. but I'm ready to give up, you have been great but i get more support from free stuff and this i pay for monthly. I know I'm not a programmer but when the guys that do TCadmin cant even add in the most popular games thats kinda bullshit
  2. Hi Dennis, i have tried everything and cant get this to work. when you say tab and change the executable file. what would i change it to? Relative Executable: ? Relative Working Dir: ? Files Folder Name: misceated-linux thanks for any and all help.
  3. Hi everyone, I'm so new her its not funny. I run tcadmin on a linux box and I want to know if i can convert the windows setup files into something that can be used for linux
  4. yeah but there is hidden ones that i cant see. Saw them for a refresh and then they were gone again. what directory would i find the themes on a Linux install? and thanks for the first info that does help... thanks man
  5. Hi everyone, so i was working on the themes. I could not figure it out but now it seems like the default theme has been writing over and I have this half baked them that keeps adding line to the page and make the page go on FOREVER LOL What was odd was i deleted a theme and when it refreshed there was like 8 other hidden themes. One of which had the IP and another that had the local 127... IP So when i try and make another theme is says there is already a theme with that IP.. but I can't see those other 8 themes. so i guess the question is how do i remove all themes and go back to the default one. thanks for any help..
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