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Everything posted by DaCrazyKiwi

  1. Hey guys so i am trying to add the SSL for the control panel with TCADMIN. on the server settings i have it on and i added a custom domain where the panel is on but i keep geting this error below. When i dont add a custom domain it makes it own domain and the ssl works on that one but no on the domain name we are wanting to use for the cp A simple Windows ACMEv2 client (WACS) Software version (release, trimmed, standalone, 64-bit) Connecting to https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/... Scheduled task looks healthy Please report issues at https://github.com/win-acme/win-acme Running in mode: Unattended Target generated using plugin Manual: cp.Name.com [cp.Name.com] Authorizing... [cp.Name.com] Authorizing using http-01 validation (SelfHosting) [cp.Name.com] Authorization result: invalid [cp.Name.com] { "type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized", "detail": "2a02:4780:b:1394:0:18f8:7a15:2: Invalid response from http://cp.Name.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/HJU9JoNKIJdujD0nWtwXPQu2F22hMnsmKj-xX4SUwVw: 404", "status": 403 } Create certificate failed: [cp.dropbearservers.com] Validation failed
  2. Hey thanks for the videos and link is there a way to do it with the built in tcadmin webserver or do i have to set up IIS ? Thanks
  3. Can any one help so i pointed my subdomain to my server to acess the cp on cp.example.com:8880 how can i make it so it does not require the port to open the tcadmin panel i want it like cp.example.com Thanks
  4. Hey is there a way to move the TCAFiles ? i installed TCADMIN on our main server C Drive but have connected our second server via a 10gb cable and added the drive is there a way i can easily move the TCAFiles from the current C Drive to the new S Drive whats on the 10gb cable ?
  5. Hey, guys so when a game server is created on a new user it seems to take a while b4 the Service Management tab appears on the new user account even after the server has been created and running the user account option on tcadmin to server management is not there. Is there a way to speed this up as we are using the TCADMIN host for the control panel? would this just be the performance from the Control Panel host instead of something to do with settings? The Picture Below is from when we follow the WHMCS Control Panel link it loads the server page but if they log in on there own then there is no way of getting to the Server Management page until the Option has appeared on the left side 30 min or sometimes longer Thanks
  6. Hi every time i try to make a game server and click manage or anything to do with it it gives me this error any ideas ? i made sure that all the requirements for TCADMIN was downloaded but nothing seems to work
  7. NVM i never went into the game settings and removed the STEAM LOGIN REQUIRED as the username so ti was not using the steam information i setup
  8. Hey i am trying to use the Steam Game Downloader in TCadmin Under Game Tools and when i click execute it says waiting for steam to download the game and then it says complete but in the game files it jsut seems to of added a steamapps folder but none of the game server files are downloaded.
  9. Hey i think it was in the product settings we still had the default_values.php on the product instead of puting the new file minecraft.php but i cant really remember sorry
  10. Hey so we have set up the control panel site name.tcadmin.net and added the server to WHMCS but when we order a game it only creates the USER on TCADMIN but it dose not create the Game Server as well. we have tried changing the ports to 443 and 80 and still just creates the user account on tcadmin and nothing else Any one got any ideas? Thanks
  11. Hey cant figure out how to DM on here but are u still selling this license ?
  12. Thanks we will get into contact with TCADMIN. We think it might be a bug as we tried the Workshop on the Arma3 What was working B4. And it no longer works. We might try reinstalling steam CMD b4 contacting but we will post our ends result here Thanks again ~Matt DB
  13. Hey thanks for the fast reply. We have made sure the passwords and Usernames are correct and have tried typing them out. we have also tried the steam cmd and login on dedi but we are still running into the same problem. This is the error we are getting and this is the Debug of the process Error - Steam download failed after 5 retries. (Master) 7/27/2020 3:50:42 AM Set processing to true in service settings. 7/27/2020 3:50:42 AM Downloading file 1559212036 from Steam... 7/27/2020 3:50:43 AM Executing before Workshop install/update scripts... 7/27/2020 3:50:43 AM Preparing SteamCmd... 7/27/2020 3:51:34 AM Set processing to false in service settings. 7/27/2020 3:51:34 AM An error occurred. Time to clean up. (WorkshopInstall) 7/27/2020 3:51:34 AM Steam download failed after 5 retries. 7/27/2020 3:51:34 AM System.Exception: Steam download failed after 5 retries. at TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.q() at TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.Start() at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.StepBase.Start(Object arguments)
  14. Hey guys so we are testing out the DayZ SA Server and we found when we try to download mods thru the workshop tab it says it has timed out after 5 attempts we have a steam account connected. we are very stumped by this any ideas would help Thanks ~Matt
  15. Hey guys i have figured out how to do this and is all working now.
  16. Hey guys so i am trying to make it so when the Clients order the minecraft server thru our WHMCS order forum they click on one of the plans with a set RAM Xms and Xmx Amount what is used when the server is made. i have tried following the Example on the TCADMIN Documentation but cant seem to wrap my head around it. On the whmcs forum we have added the Configurable option to pick the amount of ram they want. We have also made a php file in the tcadmin2_advanced with this code in it. But when we order the server it just comes with the Default ram amount and not the amount selected from the list. i know there is going to be some simple way of doing this but i am still learning on how to do all of this so forgive me about my constant lack of knowledge <?php include('default_values.php'); switch ($params["configoptions"]["Ram"]) { case "1GB": $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xms"] = "1024"; $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xmx"] = "1024"; $billing_api_values["game_slots"] = 20; break; case "2GB": $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xms"] = "2048"; $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xmx"] = "2048"; $billing_api_values["game_slots"] = 40; break; case "3GB": $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xms"] = "3072"; $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xmx"] = "3072"; $billing_api_values["game_slots"] = 60; break; case "4GB": $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xms"] = "4096"; $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xmx"] = "4096"; $billing_api_values["game_slots"] = 80; break; case "5GB": $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xms"] = "5120"; $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xmx"] = "5120"; $billing_api_values["game_slots"] = 100; break; case "6GB": $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xms"] = "6144"; $billing_api_values["gamevar_Xmx"] = "6144"; $billing_api_values["game_slots"] = 120; break; } ?>
  17. Hey we have tried that but it still dose not send the client there password so they can login and access there game server panel
  18. Hey guys so we added to the email template to show the clients there control panel login but in the email it only shows the User name and not there password we have tried looking online and on the TCADMIN Forums but cant find anything about this. We did have it working a few weeks ago but it no longer works dose any one have any ideas on what we are doing wrong Thanks
  19. Hey so i dont know if i can just blind or what but i am using your config to set up an Arma3 Exile Server i import your config and then create the Arma3 Server with the Exile Mods And Server Side Mods but i cant seem to find where to enter the database information so every time we try to create the game server we just get an error saying Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  20. Hey yes we have allowed access to every user in the feature permissions for the custom commandline and the Predefined commandline. yes we also do have the variables setup fairly similar to the one u have shown and we even just tried to copy yours to see if it fixes it but we still can not edit the custom commlandline
  21. Hey. So when the Customer tries to edit the custom commandline for arma3 they can only change the Description name of it and not edit or add there own command lines i have allowed in the permission Custom command line and Predefined command lines. As u can see in the picture it just says select and u can select anything. yes we do have a Predefined commandline added in as well
  22. Hey cheers for the help. i found out whats wrong i was a dummy and forgot to download DirectX on the new VPN so now it is all working fine
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