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  1. aha ok... but you can not generally enable/disable it for all users?
  2. Added option to disable two-step for FTP if the user logged in to the control panel with the same IP. > Where i can find this option?
  3. you need to update.. there was a steam update problem in a past version of tcadmin
  4. are you running the latest version of TCadmin? you can also try to delete the steamapps folder and try it again...
  5. yes thats the problem... is this bug fixed?
  6. any update on this language file?
  7. when i use ?bRawSockets iam not able to connect... someone got this working? if yes how?
  8. it should be correct UTC+1 is Austrian Time...
  9. i also had this problem... i just installed manually but the problem still exists. the task is executed the wrong time +1 hour (i have set 12 AM but the Task executes at 1 PM) and also the task dont start daily when i change the task and save it, it will just be executed the next day but nothing more
  10. why it should not work with tcadmin? when you can set in in a commandline or config file it should work
  11. anyone got the rcon working with tcadmin?
  12. someone have an updated config file?
  13. some icons are not shown... in the service settings... see the picture... or is it just me?
  14. see this page: http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=9692&page=3
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