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  1. @LFAI know their has been alot of security risks recently with remote connection with Remote desktop, is their a security update coming soon?
  2. Ok so works great now I am not able to get dzsa to run, so a mod list isn't getting updated to dzsa, can we get some info on how to get this running.
  3. does this update the mods at the same time when it restarts?
  4. thanks dude and shoot if i get some time on my hand ill try to make one as well and let you know if i can make it but deff trying to get this to work i got it to were i can run bec and everything just need to get it to do the auto updates and stuff
  5. I am needing a Dayz Standalone config that runs DZSALModedServer and auto updates mods and runs BEC. I am willing to pay for this config just hit me up with a price. The server is on a windows server.
  6. their is a way to make it using wine just not sure how to do this.
  7. I am looking for someone whop has a config that works on Linux, i know i might need wine just need some more info on how to install it, every time i try stuff it breaks.
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