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Everything posted by Sukkerpups

  1. You're correct that server restarts before a save causes data loss, but you also have multiple bugs with corrupted world files. You have corrupted files that deletes world it self. One of the bugs of the corrupted worlds aren't caused by server restarts within the 20 min timeframe. All the enteties in the world is deleted and gone (npc's, buildings, trees etc), and the only thing that is left is dirt/ground, water and grass, and these bugs can happen at random, even tho they are somewhat rare. Without "daily" or automatic world backups you might actually save corrupted worlds to your current world data save, since it can happen at random without server restarts, and this is unfixable and the backup is the only option you have to restore progress. Devs don't know what causes this, but lets hope they fix it soon.
  2. Yes, and this is a "groundbreaking" bug, and has been around for some time now. It has still not been fixed. Reasons, unknown atm. https://gamerant.com/valheim-world-reset-delete-error-bug/ Why i suggest to do world backups, often :] You might try to recover WORLDNAME.db.old (i have not tested this). In main menu, in the bottom left, you have a log window. Click it and rename it to "WORLDNAME.db" and removing the current WORLDNAME.db (don't delete it tho, copy it to somewhere else). However, this file might be outdated, but it might at least save you something. Yet again, i have not tested it, but it seems logical. There might be other workarounds as well, but not that i know of at this time. EDIT: It's confirmed that renaming WORLDNAME.db.old to the current WORLDNAME.db and removing the newest world file is a viable option for corrupted/deleted worlds, to save at least some progress. For the time being there are no fix to corrupted worlds, except from backups.
  3. Valheim has to many servers to list. Their in game list only shows 4800(ish) servers. I have a lot of them, and some show and some don't, and the next time i refresh some of the other ones show and vice versa. Add your IP to the steam server list (favorites) like numphy said and connect from there (best method to keep track of your server).
  4. Are the wipes happening on fresh servers? Most common reasons is due to improper shutdown of server like sigterm/sigkill, restarting server within the 30 minutes timeframe it takes for the server to save, and when someone changes the name of their world. In some cases there might even be read/write issues, but since you have hundreds of Valheim servers, i can't see why read/write this should relate to you. I don't sell servers, but i have about 30 Valheim servers, and i tell people two things. Manually backup their world file, and don't shut down the server within the 30 minute timeframe. It has solved pretty much all my problems at least. I'm guessing host companies are using scripts and codes to automatically backup world files, so the customer can download/upload and pick the biggest file when a wipe like this occur, and to prevent at least some of the "random" wipes. This might be a solution for you as well. This is the replies i have recieved from Valheim staffmembers, and the reasons why a wipe occurs. Who knows if there are other reasons in an EA game like this.
  5. Plugins can cause similair error. But i'm guessing this is a fresh vanilla installation?? Similair error can be caused by failty installation game files as well as map error scenes. But since you can start it from a batch file directly through your server with no errors it makes no sense. Maybe TCAdmin permission issues read/write (?) Anywho, good luck, and please tell if you figure it out since i enjoy logging rust error's .
  6. It works for me after the update. Both Rust and curseforge. Thank you.
  7. I decided to go with cpanel/whm/whcms. It seems to have the flexibility i need for the future. And don't ask me what i was thinking about question nr2 :s Thanks for your input.
  8. Hello. I'm one of those guys that offers free hosting for my community. I have this for many years now, and i have a bout 20-50 servers up and running at all times. Now i'm getting to that point where i'm not really interested in doing much manual "work" anymore,, specially when it comes to user accounts and game server setups, you know, due to having a billion kids, work and what not. I'm getting old(er) i guess. So i got a few questions related to automating game server setup. And who knows, maybe this next step in my evolution will open a new door for me in the future, when it comes to hosting. I've done some research when it comes to WHMCS and i got some questions related to making server setup automatic for my members. After looking at WHMCS, i have no idea why i have not done this earlier! Currently i'm using a host for my website and forum that doesn't support cpanel or WHMCS, and i've been looking at verpex.com reseller plans to host my cpanel and WHMCS. They have unlimited bandwidth and it seems that their packages don't cost much either. I can't really find any other alternatives for what i am looking for that gives unlimited bandwidth (please give me other, better alternatives if this host is a terrible idea). It's pretty obvious that since i'm offering most of my services for free, i want to keep the cost down, and i really don't need anything fancy, i just want to automate game server and user accounts setups through a website that has WHMCS. I do have 4-5 dedicated servers available, and i was thinking about self hosting cpanel and WHMCS, but i'm taking one step at a time on this one, and personally i think it's best to seperate ordering forms, personal information etc due to potential security risks. Here is some of my questions. 1. If you're not selfhosting, what hosting supplier do you use for your cpanel/whmcs combined with TCAdmin? 2. Is it possible to point a WHCMS installation to a domain not hosted on the same server as the WHMCS installation? I am not hosting my domain or webhotel at verpex.com, and my current host don't support cpanel/whmcs either, hence my question if this is possible. 3. Do you guys have any better alternatives for me when it comes to all of this? Any other suggestions or ideas are appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Well, now i have the option to enable. But there are still no plugins available.
  10. I had it uninstalled since it was broken to me. When i reinstalled the new version i recieve no alternatives to enable:
  11. Did i do something wrong? There are no plugins available in "custom mods" I get nothing when searching for a plugins (rust) either. Same with Minecraft (curse). Alexr03.Common installed, and i clicked "save" when enableing. I also have "Rust - Automatic wipe/update, Oxide, Plugin Installer" Should this be a problem? Thanks.
  12. Alright. It's nice to see that these futures are being processed tho, in one way or another. Let's cross fingers for docker support then And i wish i was an advanced programmer, because that github serverbanner would have been completed in a heartbeat (cough)! You have made good effort on it so far tho, kudos for that! Let's hope someone in here get's motivated by your work and completes it. I would actually pay for a premium future like this, because i know it would be a populair future among my small, but lojal clientel. I didn't even know about the "Nexus Discord Bot". That's a nice little future for sure, thanks a bunch for mentioning it!
  13. This might be a wierd one, and might be possible through a script or module. I have no idea. Here is my suggestion anyways. Admin: By default I would like to see the ability to host Discord bots from TCAdmin as a service, that comes with a premade "template" of dependencies (or blank) at installation and where you can enter your Bot token, so a bot are up and running at end of server installation. Clients: After the creation of a discord server by admin, clients will have the ability to enter their bot token and have access to upload folder and files, with a start/stop button. I have multiple community focused Rust servers running, and i'm self hosting simple .js bots from the server. So there can be more "advanced" futures to this as well, like pulling API key for a Rust server from maybe "rust-servers.net", like the image below, or to have this API key future integrated to TCAdmin itselfe (not sure if possible already??). With game server API integration of some sort, this future can expanded to give clients the ability to create game server banners as well, directly from TCAdmin. To let them have the option to pick from a default game server banner, or let the client upload their own background to the banner. Then they can copy/paste a generated url which they can post on their website, forum or other places. This way clients never have to go to a third party website to recieve a game server banner. As a graphical website designer by trade, i can supply default backgrounds for banners for free as well. Personally I have never seen these futures in other game server control panels before, except ones that are to limited and are pulled from third party websites (and to be honest, they look ugly!). And who knows, there might be a reason for it that i can't think of. I guess this suggestion is more than one suggestion. Personally i see these futures as a huge bonus for a client, specially for those with a minecraft/rust/csgo and steam servers in general. There might be a better way of doing all of this this, but it's a suggestion nonetheless Tell me what you guys think.
  14. I solved this issue by reinstalling TCadmin. I noticed i only had Montor running as a service, and none of the other ones, like they never got installed.
  15. Is it this one? EDIT: I'm also reciving this error when creating a Teamspeak 3 server.
  16. i've used TCAdmin for a good month now, and are starting to get the hang of it. However today, when i migrated my test server to my live server node, i recieve this error when creating a game server (any game after creating the service): Error Invalid URI: The specified port is invalid. What did i do wrong? Thanks.
  17. I can pay for this service as well, as long as it's reasonable. And the community can have access to it's files as well, as long as it's free for them, i don't mind that. If you're interested, please send me a message.
  18. Awesome! Also, amount of players in the server doesn't show in the game manage either. I don't know if this is related to your config tho, but worth mentioning.
  19. Hello. Futures i would love to see is a webconsole, the ability to update server, download bedrock addons and to change amount of ram when creating a server. Maybe all of this can be done manually somehwere, but i don't know how, yet. Thanks.
  20. Hello, and thank you for creating this future for Rust. I'm not that familiar with TCAdmin yet, but i'm learning, and to be safe i don't mess things up i'm coming for support. BeautifulSoup4 is successfully installed and i only have this step that i'm a bit confused about: "...open the game config > Custom Scripts > Download plugins directly from uMod and replace '/path/to/bs4' with your server's path the the BeautifulSoup4 library." Where exactly can i find this line "/path/to/bs4", so i can replace it with server's path? I can't find it anywhere in "game config>Custom Scripts, so i'm guessing i'm looking in the wrong place? Thank you for your time.
  21. Adding only Vanilla release and Bukkit gives me this:
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