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  1. I know this is late, but I have found removing "enable console" lines in the config, worked as that was the only error I found when starting the server....Not sure if it's just always integrated now, or if the language changed....but I've noticed the config hasn't changed, and the game config no longer works "out of the box" so to speak....
  2. Everyone sets up their command lines differently. Go to Settings/Games/Arma3(whichever Arma 3 game config your using) and look at the command line tab. Most likely it's set for a windows server, but the command line is completely configurable there. There's tons of posts about configuring command lines in the forums. But that setting will show you exactly what your command line for that particular game config is set for.
  3. Players control most of the aspect of the games....Ask EA/Dice how financially painful it can be to ignore the players....Game Dev's don't have to listen to host providers/server owners, we're nothing to them....Players make the world go round.....If enough players demand something....it's the only saving grace for certain things, like modding, and private servers....Get your players speaking your woes, and thing's will change....But change won't come for host providers without spending money, bribing those who matter, or getting players to be your voice...
  4. Blank installations of games and config's aren't guaranteed to work, they're a starting reference. There's "Settings" for each game, and how you run your servers(YEs, thy can be done multiple different ways, everything from not using Battleye, to placement of configs, and commandline options....MOD installations, there's too many varying factors to be able to know why your server isn't starting correctly. RPT, commandline, share some more information at the very least, as anyone trying to actually help will need info on your server's configuration GL
  5. Excuses Game Dev's have are a dime a dozen....decent Honest and Game Developers are a rare breed....There's nothing good to say about the Dev's for SCUM. Period. It had a chance to be a decent game. But they're going to BS the players away worse than BI did with DayZ SA. BI really set a shitty standard with game dev'ing all together. And now there's games like SCUM following the HAlf-Baked release standard. It's not going to get better, as long as players have access to money they can and will waste on garbage. Game dev's are at the players mercy, completely. So why are players still going through things like this?
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