Dear Members,
I am a official Tester for SCUM and work closely with the Developers and they will release the server files for private use when they reach 1.0 (Release State). Although they are currently allowing hosting company's to host SCUM servers too! In the beginning it was only G-portal but now it is G-portal, Nitrado, SurvivalSevers, PingPerfect (they use TCadmin 2) this because they do not have the tools and utilities for private users to host a server properly nor is the build stable enough yet. But I can assure you that they will release them fo private use in the future and currently they are expanding their contacts with professsional hosters.
Kind regards,
- Acronite.
P.S: Jimmy-CS can you please send me your contact details such as your Discord etc I hope to hear from you ASAP!