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Everything posted by Acronite

  1. Dear Members, Does someone have any tips? I've tried making custom scripts and such but it seems it is not possible to send something to the gameserver process and that for some reason the console window is hidden... I hope someone can help me out on this one...
  2. I tried a lot of things but it doesn't send the CTRL+C signal.
  3. What is the name of your company? What hardware are you able to offer? Let me know!
  4. Dear Members, I have found the solution. You have to specify the relative path in which the files are located and at the end of the path you have to specify what extension the log files use so TCadmin 2 will show all files that have that exact extension. If the server creates a new logfile after a while and has different sorts you have to specify the extension like this <Relative Path>\*.log for multiple extension you do <Relative Path>\*.log;*.txt... Save the game config and now the logs will be showed in the Log Viewer if enabled. Kind Regards, - Zodiac.
  5. Dear Members, I know the full path to the logfiles, their file extension and so on... I know that every game has a different way of creating or saving the logs but without the path TCadmin 2 does not know where to look for the files and I have checked many other game configs and so far none of the configs have the path of the log files specficied and they are aso not offer the option to view the log through the TCadmin 2 panel. So somehow it must be possible to add the full or relative path to where the log files are saved an by using the configured file extension the panel will be able to detect the log files and list them. But I have not been able to find out how to specify this in the game config. So I hope someone can tell me more about this! Thanks for the effort tho! Kind regards, -Zodiac.
  6. Dear Members, I've been working on a game config but I cannot get the log viewer to show the logs. I've properly cofigured the extension the logs have but there is no options to give up the path to the logs. Could someone help me out? Kind regards, - Zodiac.
  7. Dear Members, I am a official Tester for SCUM and work closely with the Developers and they will release the server files for private use when they reach 1.0 (Release State). Although they are currently allowing hosting company's to host SCUM servers too! In the beginning it was only G-portal but now it is G-portal, Nitrado, SurvivalSevers, PingPerfect (they use TCadmin 2) this because they do not have the tools and utilities for private users to host a server properly nor is the build stable enough yet. But I can assure you that they will release them fo private use in the future and currently they are expanding their contacts with professsional hosters. Kind regards, - Acronite. P.S: Jimmy-CS can you please send me your contact details such as your Discord etc I hope to hear from you ASAP!
  8. Dear Members, I am wondering how TCadmin 2 is stopping servers when the default Stop button is used. Does it send a CTRL+C signal to the console of the gameserver? Because I am setting up a Gameserver by creating the Config myself and so far everything is working fine but I have to be sure that the Server is stopped by sending CTRL+C to it so it can shutdown properly otherwise it will cause issues with the Gameserver's database. Also I have been looking around for a custom script that sends CTRL+C to the process of the Gameserver but have not been able to find one yet. So a custom script is always welcome! Thanks in advance for any response and help! Kind regards, - Bram Vorstenbosch.
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