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Everything posted by MoKotik

  1. MoKotik

    TCAdmin 2.0.192

    Oh they implemented my idea at number 3
  2. Why can't I download it?
  3. There have been no complaints from customers about such a problem yet
  4. Does anyone have a script that gets the number of players and the HostName?
  5. You update Steam and restart service TCAdmin?
  6. @echo off SET mapcycle=%ThisService_RootDirectory%game\csgo\mapcycle.txt.backup SET maplist=%ThisService_RootDirectory%game\csgo\maplist.txt.backup SET server=%ThisService_RootDirectory%game\csgo\cfg\server.cfg.backup if exist "%mapcycle%" ( move /y %mapcycle% %ThisService_RootDirectory%game\csgo\mapcycle.txt ) if exist "%maplist%" ( move /y %maplist% %ThisService_RootDirectory%game\csgo\maplist.txt ) if exist "%server%" ( move /y %server% %ThisService_RootDirectory%game\csgo\cfg\server.cfg ) @echo off SET mapcycle=%ThisService_RootDirectory%game\csgo\mapcycle.txt SET maplist=%ThisService_RootDirectory%game\csgo\maplist.txt SET server=%ThisService_RootDirectory%game\csgo\cfg\server.cfg if exist "%mapcycle%" ( move /y %mapcycle% %ThisService_RootDirectory%game\csgo\mapcycle.txt.backup ) if exist "%maplist%" ( move /y %maplist% %ThisService_RootDirectory%game\csgo\maplist.txt.backup ) if exist "%server%" ( move /y %server% %ThisService_RootDirectory%game\csgo\cfg\server.cfg.backup )
  7. You can update to or use this script from System.IO import Directory, Path if Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, 'steamapps')): Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, 'steamapps'), True)
  8. When installing a large 4+ GB mod, after a while it gives an error "Couldn 't find part of the path "C:\TCAFiles\Users\nabjltuu\41120\steamapps\workshop\content\221100\2867432614"
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