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Everything posted by Steve-TGM

  1. Unless I missed it, is there a way to add a signature to "Administrator" accounts so that when they either use the Support Ticket feature or Mass Email (preferred) the Admin's dont have to keep typing in their Signature? Creature comfort.... Steve
  2. Luis, I just wanted to verify we can go back to using our hostnames and resellers wont be stuck using our predefined hostnames? Is their a timeline when resellers will be able to use their own hostnames? Thanx! Steve
  3. Steve-TGM

    Mobile Theme

    Stoking the fire..... it would a be another perk to using V2
  4. The issue he was having was he was using the wrong port for FTP.
  5. Luis, Do all boxes need to be rebooted, or just the master after this update to fix the "control console output"? Steve
  6. Are the sub-users available for the resellers? I am getting an error when trying to enable the resellers users/sub-users..
  7. Yes, You need to go to system > General Settings > then API Settings and enable them for the default users as basic unless you want all of your users to be resellers.
  8. The biggest problems I had with Centos 6 was setting up TS3 with mysql....
  9. No, you can't assign a user a specific ip as of yet in Version 2. You can however assign ips to specific game server and voice servers that are on a box I believe.
  10. Its on the list of items to be added...
  11. Did you restart the monitor service on the Master box after you adjusted the monitor and restart the monitor on the remote boxes as well? If you make changes to the remote server connections, the problem more then likely is that the remote monitors need a kick.
  12. Its all on the client configs.
  13. Well SV won by a single vote.... now its just a matter of waiting to get it implemented
  14. I don't see that option available, so if your using whmcs just incorporate the box that you want them on within the billing api. Otherwise just upload the files to the box you want and make it a manual build when you sell one.
  15. What errors specifically are you getting?
  16. You don't need the license key for remotes, unless your referencing the master? You will need to enter the license key when setting up the master.
  17. Agreed, v2 rocks.... plus Luis is adding more and more items to it and importing items from v1 into v2.
  18. What kind of problems are you having? You have to remember that v2 does not support running a master server and virtual servers like ts3 does. You have to run each instance for each user or server.
  19. From a remote server standpoint v2 runs great on Linux boxes, while I use windows 2003 server for my master Luis is top notch in getting bugs fixed if you should have any
  20. It should, just import the V1 config file into V2 and tweak it. However it is only available for Windows boxes, not Linux.
  21. You can download the updates and then import them into the game so your clients can install the update to the game on an as needed basis. However opening up your network, master and remotes to this is both very risky and could take down your box.
  22. I presume this has been working prior? If so have you made any changes if so?
  23. Those settings are in reference to V1 not V2. I haven't messed with the games part too much, but after a quick look on my install I didn't see anywhere where this feature is added yet. The only other area I would look and am right now is in the game specific area. Yet I still haven't found it yet. So I presume its not a feature yet installed into v2 that was in v1.
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