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ibun_bloodarm last won the day on March 28 2024

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  1. dont suppose anyone has a update all workshop mods which can be placed to run at every restart, so server stays upto date?
  2. This is a version i am using, its heavily modified version of unknown original origin. This creates databases for each server and auto creates usernames and passwords for client databases. - It also has alot of server side only mods created by the Lifx Modding Community. - Tradepost auto installer (automaticly rewrites required to edit files uponinstallation and uninstall) - TTmod auto installer (automaticly rewrites required to edit files uponinstallation and uninstall) Installation Requirements. 1) Search for the line mysql_password="YourPassword"; 2) replace "YourPassword" with your db root password (I use only a local db account for this to avoid potential issues) - Their is 4 places for this so use replace all to make life easier ( I use Visual Studio) - Ctrl + H will help with this 3) Search for the line mysql_root="root"; 4) replace "root" with your db root user account name (I use only a local db account for this to avoid potential issues) - Their is 4 places for this so use replace all to make life easier ( I use Visual Studio) - Ctrl + H will help with this. 5) Upload as normal. Below is an example of the Mods section Life is Feudal - Windows.xml
  3. ye its been like 6 years, do we have a fix for this?
  4. does anyone know of alternitives for dedicated game server hosting which i can use with tc admin? i am currently using baremetal i am quite fed up with the lack of support and restictions at OVH and would like to transfer to another company. i need NA Locations and EU
  5. new config post kinda makes more sense, but would be nice to know if its been updated
  6. where do you put this for the rcon? SuperNova Member 24 Posted 14 hours ago Here is an RCON script that works for us for now import clr; import System; from System import String, Environment, PlatformID; from System.IO import Directory, Path; from System.Diagnostics import Process; p = Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName=Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Tools\SourceRcon.exe"); p.StartInfo.Arguments=String.Format("{0} {1} \"{2}\" \"{3}\"", ThisService.IpAddress, ThisService.RConPort, ThisService.RConPassword, RConCommand); p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory=Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Tools"); p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True; p.Start(); ReturnValue= p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
  7. pretty sure its game related game devs need to add logging
  8. anyone having issues joining servers through the ingame master list?
  9. anyone managed to get a working config for this yet? i havn't got their yet
  10. yes they are some what difficult i currently have this, have been working on making the config files work with the command lines to give clients more options on Personalising servers. i havn't had a huge time so its still incomplete but so far it seems to be working ok. thefront - Windows (3).xml
  11. Removing the command "Udrs=steam" Seems to resolve the ping issue I'm currently using the below command line ProjectWar_Start?DedicatedServer?MaxPlayers=$[Service.Slots] -server -game -QueueThreshold=$[Service.Slots] -ConfigServerName="$[HostName]" -ServerName="$[HostName]" -log -locallogtimes -EnableParallelCharacterMovementTickFunction -EnableParallelCharacterTickFunction -UseDynamicPhysicsScene -OutIPAddress=$[Service.IpHostname] -port=$[Service.GamePort] -BeaconPort=$[Service.CustomPort1] -QueryPort=$[Service.QueryPort] -Game.PhysicsVehicle=![GamePhysicsVehicle] -ansimalloc -Game.MaxFrameRate=35 -ShutDownServicePort=$[Service.CustomPort2] -ServerTags=![ServerTags] and in config file i set UseSteamSocket=1
  12. i have switched to console to read from log file. Seems although what you had before was prettier it seemed to cut out a fair bit first couple of charactors per line if i remember correctly
  13. Sorry i didn't see your previous message
  14. for example: ProjectWar_Start?DedicatedServer?MaxPlayers=80?udrs=steam to ping fix 9999 pings
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